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On The War Written By Lin

Posted on:2014-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425457243Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a special one in the history of Chinese modern literary, Lin Yutang has long been a concern of many scholars. Lin Yu tang was born and broughtup in China, at the same time he has a long experience of overseas life, he receivedboth the education of Chinese traditional culture and influence of western culture.The dual effects of Chinese and Western cultural background make him not onlyregard China with a Chinese perspective, but also from the blend of Chinese andWestern culture, shape China’s image from a unique angle, and then promoteChinese culture to the world. In the Thirty’s of last century, China suffered the mostsevere trouble in the history of the modern history, both domestic trouble andforeign invasion, all levels of society have undergone tremendous changes. Lin Yutang was strongly touched,in the form of novels,he shaped the modern image ofChina in a specific historical period, and propaganda China’s War of ResistanceAgainst Japan, convey his thinking for the war. Based on the writing about war inLin Yu tang ’ s most beloved Trilogy–“Moment In Peking”,“A Leaf In TheStorm”,“Vermilion Gates”,this thesis explore how Lin Yu tang think for the home,the country, and nation in circumstances of war, and try to get into the inner worldof him hidden behind the literary creation. The thesis consists of five parts: the firstchapter introduces the cultural perspective of Lin Yu tang’s war writing,andsummarizes the researches on concerning aspects; the second chapter focuses on thedaily life and the general state of mind of the various social strata people in the war;the third chapter discusses how Lin Yu tang shaped modern China image in the formof war; the fourth chapter analyzes what Lin Yu tang’s thinking for the war; thefifth chapter presents the unique scenes of Lin Yu tang’s war writing.This thesis will use the strategy of Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, the strategy ofcomparison, the strategy of multivariate analysis, discuss several methods of textreading.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin Yu tang, trilogy, war writing
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