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Applying research to screenwriting: A trilogy of screenplays (with Original writing)

Posted on:2007-06-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Union Institute and UniversityCandidate:Connor, BreandanFull Text:PDF
The larger areas of research that augment the scenes in the trilogy of screenplays are metaphysical dynamics, Promethean concepts, International Law, and epic aesthetics. These areas of scholarship were chosen in order to respond to a contemporary war inspired cadre of global leaders, especially quasi-metaphysicians, who do not seek a common purpose for humanity: The study of metaphysics argues against facile religious rhetoric; Promethean voices inform antagonists' and protagonists' leaders' relationships to power discourses and institutions; International Law provides the secular argument for universal human rights; and the study of epic aesthetics in literature and film extends and bolsters this trilogy as epic.; Contained in fictional and non-fictional film and literature from contemporary and past authors and auteurs are important psychological, epic, and spiritual constructs that honor and explore the complex and mysterious elegance of human existence. Especially metaphysical and semiotic aesthetics are invoked and applied to forward philosophical points of view in the creative process, particularly expanding the mystical interiors of the central characters.; Because these plays place dramatic sequences in existing conditions, the acrimonious and incendiary modal of global realities require examination and a response. The research focuses on the power of peacemakers and their evolutionary advancement and consequent ability to preserve fragile humanity on a planet that can be destroyed at any time through nuclear obliteration. Changing and tracing the arc of each principal's character's psychoanalytic and spiritual interior life through the application of other various authors' renderings and depictions of heroic archetypes in dramatic epics ensures a continuation of verisimilitude in this film epic. And pathology compels unredeemable antagonists in acts of reckless and measured destruction; however, for dramatic effect the epic heroes function as foils who must reconcile a spiritual apotheosis while facing the stark reality of nuclear threat.; The edited screenplays contain a myriad of nuances that may be absent if research were not applied. Therefore, with the application of a vast source of literature systematically enjoined to the screenwriting or creative process that merges imagination and experience with analysis and research a more rigorous writing process may emerge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trilogy, Screenplays
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