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The Comparison Of Ecological Perspective Between "Bid Farewell To Matyora" And "Why Did The Jay Tweet"

Posted on:2015-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422969718Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the industrial revolution, mankind in pursuit of wealth and material enjoyment,continue to transform nature, predatory nature of the consideration to meet their own desires,resulting in intensified ecological crisis. Writers who have a strong sense of socialresponsibility like Raspukin and Chen Yingsong are aware that human beings should beresponsible for the current ecological crisis is responsible for the future generations ofmankind, they created a lot of progress and civilization reflect on the relationship betweenman and nature, ecological thinking literature.This Paper based on the ecologicall perspectivewith the basis reading of the two text"Bid farewell to matyora"and"Why did the jay tweet",use the parallel methods of thecomparison to explain the formation and development in the two ecological literature,thenanalyze the similarities and differences.This Paper is from the eco-conscious, eco-ethical andecological crises reflect three aspects, the use of eco-critical theory works on two comparativestudies.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Bid farewell to matyora", "Why did the jay tweet", Ecology Compare
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