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A Translation Project Report On Nightingale

Posted on:2014-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is an ancient country with thousands of years history and countless great literaryworks. With the improvement of China s international status, Chinese culture has agrowing international influence. The translation of Chinese literature works becomesincreasingly important as it is a valuable means to spread Chinese culture. The practiceand research of literature translation is accordingly important.The translated text I choose was about a classic country love story. The love betweenJinwang and Xiumi was pure and moving. They live simple and pure life in the LocustTree Village. They also enjoyed the music. When Xiumi was pregnant, their life seemedthe happiest. But the end was a tragedy. The translation of the text should not only tell thestory clearly, but also express the classic Chinese country love clearly, especially thetranslation of the Chinese country language. I did some research on that and come to someconclusions that we need to choose the suitable translation theory to guide our translatingactivity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation, Chinese culture, Chinese country language
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