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On Subject Consciousness Of Characters In Liu Zhenyun’ Novels

Posted on:2014-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422959631Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liu Zhenyun is a writer who has an important position and unique value on the newperiod literature. His novels were both realistic in the early years, ironically later, and absurdin recent years, He actively observe human’ survival predicament and spiritual distress. Heused his "one-sided profundity", extremely serious attitude in a solid civil, relying on civilsociety, began he journey of reflection, doubt and negate. He thoroughly deconstructed theintellectual’s personality and the Enlightenment ideal. In the era of market-oriented andsecularized, Dispelling Significance has become universal the spirit of the symptoms, he stillobsessed with the man who’s meaning and value of existence. In his novels, the digestion ofpeople’ Subjective consciousness generally exist. Both the underlying population and theintellectuals, are intentionally or unintentionally digested with own Subjective consciousness.Embarrassment for the survival, abnormal development of power culture, the lag of socialsecurity, that consciously or not consciously digested subjective consciousness. Authorsstrongly thinking about people’s meaning and value, and breathe as social subjects of humanself-consciousness, which include the main body’ dominant position, main ability, value ofPrincipal, and on this basis, actively reinventing themselves and the outside world. By miningSubjective consciousness, showing the author of broad and deep humanism, but also havehigh hopes author’s reconstruction of Subjective consciousness of ideals. Article main fromthree dimensions that include Subjective consciousness digestion performance, digestioncauses, reconstruction of the subject consciousness to analyze people’s subjectiveconsciousness in Liu Zhenyun’s novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Zhenyun, subjective consciousness, digestion, reconstruction
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