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On The Consciousness Of Civilians In Liu Zhenyun's Novels

Posted on:2018-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330518469455Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Little people,big feeling" is the writing background of Liu Zhenyun.From the perspective of civilians,he shows the ordinary people's living style and spiritual scene,and displays the historical appearance of the folk view in the way of "personalization" and" popularization ".This paper will study the novels of Liu Zhenyun from the perspective of civilians consciousness and discuss the connotation,expression and stylistic value of civilians consciousness.The thesis is divided into three chapters.The first chapter mainly discusses the characteristics of civilians consciousness.This chapter mainly elaborates from two parts:the first part mainly combs the historical change of civilians consciousness,and focuses on the process of the change of civilians consciousness in the period of the May 4th to the 1980's.At the same time,this paper discusses the comparison between Liu zhenyun and the writers of the same period and the same style;The second part summarizes Liu Zhenyun's writing in grasping the three dimensions of civilians consciousness:focus on the spirit,attention to pain and zero narrative.It can be displayed from three aspects.Firstly,Liu Zhenyun grasp dark,lost,stubborn and lonely spiritual world on the small people;Secondly,Liu Zhenyun shows people's real-life situation and their spiritual world;Lastly,Liu Zhenyun uses zero narrative writing strategy to show the emotional "zero" state.The second chapter mainly discusses the concrete manifestation of civilians consciousness in Liu Zhenyun's novels.This chapter is mainly based on Liu Zhenyun's two types of themes.One is the reality theme,the other is the historical theme.This article will classify the image of the civilians in the realistic subject matter and seize the historical narrative in the historical theme.Through the description of the confrontation between the official and the people,the writing of the ordinary epic of the little people,the splitting of the fragments of history,Liu Zhenyun shows his firm folk cultural standpoint,which is the concrete manifestations of the civilian consciousness in Liu Zhenyun's historical narrative.The third chapter mainly discusses the stylistic value of Liu Zhenyun's creation.It comments on the stylistic value from three aspects,including the construction of repetitive narrative language,narrative regional characteristics and humorous style.Firstly,Liu Zhenyun likes to use the repetitive creative techniques to express the loneliness of the civic spiritual world;Secondly,Liu Zhenyun is good at transforming the narrative space and expresses his thoughts on the consciousness of civil power in the conversion of narrative space;Thirdly,Liu Zhenyun combined language and narration to form a humorous literary style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Zhenyun, novel, civilians consciousness
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