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On Spatial Narration Feature Of Hongying’s Novels

Posted on:2014-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422956836Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
HongYing is a woman writer; She is unique in writing skills and writing position. Tobe sharp in theme and be full of warm concern are the main feature of her novels, and it isbelieved that this feature mainly comes from her special spatial sense.This thesis aims to get a better understanding of HongYing’s novels by analyzingher novels in the Perspective of spatial narration.This thesis is divided into3parts.The first part is set to introduce the background information of thesis; it covers thepresent situation of HongYing’s novels studying, the value of this thesis, as well as thespatial theories which this thesis is based on. The second part is the boy of this thesis; it ismade up of3chapters, the first chapter attempts to analyze the three spaces’ character thatembraced in HongYing’s novels.The second chapter’s target is to illustrate the two spatial structures of HongYing’snovels, and they are double layers structure and helix structure. The third chapter mainlytry to figuring out the reasons of HongYing’s novels that come to the features whichmentioned above, and it points out that HongYing’s growing up environment, her specialexperience and all kinds of foreign and domestic writing skills, like magical realism,post-modernism, absurdity as well as the vanguard novels are the main factors that have agreat influence on HongYing’s novels’ spatial narration.The third part tends to view back the main content of this thesis and point out thevalue of HongYing’s special spatial narration skills, which is it marks HongYing becomemature in novel writing, as well as paving a road for the development of spatial narrationin China.
Keywords/Search Tags:HongYing’s novels, spatial narration, spatial feature, spatialstructures, forming reasons
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