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Consecutive Interpreting In Promotion Of Government Investment Attraction

Posted on:2014-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShaFull Text:PDF
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This report aims to study the interpreter’s role in the promotion of governmentinvestment attraction and analyze the approaches to solve the linguistic andnon-linguistic problems. The author will implement an analytical work on theinterpreting task through his own experience to achieve the following targets. Theinterpreter is more like of a spokesperson rather than simply being an interpretingmachine. The first priority of this report is to help the interpreter to find effectivemeasures to carry out active self-adjustment and better bilateral communication. Thenthis report focuses on the research of relevance between preparatory work andpractical problems in the interpreting task, the feasibility of improving the efficiencyof preparatory work before the task and the ability of data collection andcommunication. Last but not the least, this report praises the necessity on theapplication of a summary before and after the interpreting task based on its category,problems, gains and losses. The research methods adopted in this report are mainlythe qualitative and quantitative approach. In some examples, the author also appliesthe descriptive and analytical approach.With the analysis of the background information and the comparison between theChinese promotion interpreting and its foreign counterparts, this report aims to findthe balance between the subjectivity of interpreters and the requirements of initiators.After the confirmation of the task, the interpreter is supposed to systemize the relevantcorpus and make a thorough agenda of preparation for the potential emergency. He orshe should also implements both the horizontal and vertical evaluations on theperformance of other interpreters in the same or similar tasks.The purpose of this report lies in not only the experience and lessons the authorlearnt through this task but also the introduction of an emerging and burgeoninginterpreting sector, the promotion of government investment attraction. For theinterpreters who are interested in this field, this report can be regarded as anintroductory memorandum to remind them of their roles and the tactics in this task.
Keywords/Search Tags:Promotion of Government Investment Attraction, PreparatoryWork, Interpreting Evaluations
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