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Piano Accompaniment Of Piano Accompaniment "Red Lantern"

Posted on:2014-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Piano accompaniment "Red Lantern" was produced in the1960s. As a literaryand artistic works in a special historical era, it has a profound imprint of the times."Red Lantern" tells the story of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War. It demonstrates thespirit of the Chinese nation, the interests of the Chinese people’s aesthetic taste, isfull of artistic charm, and shows a very high artistic value after more than half acentury after years of baptism. its appearance makes the piano music and theperforming arts faced difficulties in China to survive and develop, and thecombination of piano and opera music is a quite new art attempt, opened up a newpath for the nationalization of the piano music. It is a model of "East meets West", amilestone in the history of Chinese opera and the development of the modern piano.The success of the piano accompaniment "Red Lantern" expand a new idea forthe creation of China’s piano works, put new requirements on the significance androles of accompaniment texture in the works, and provide more space for expressionand more opportunities for innovation. From the accompaniment of the pianoaccompaniment "Red Lantern", this paper reviews and summarizes the creativeapproach of the piano accompaniment in the works, describes the role ofaccompaniment texture in the works, has a detailed analysis of the pianoaccompaniment play of the major aria in the works, and provides theoretical supportand practical significance for playing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Red Lantern, Piano accompaniment, performance
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