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Research On T’ung Wang’s Film Art

Posted on:2015-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422469818Subject:Radio and Television Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In1982, Taiwan new movie movement. During this period, a group of outstandingdirector took many representative works. Than60s, the rise of "healthy realism" film,Taiwanese new film on the realism of aesthetic inquiry had greater progress. But in fact,going to the new film era, this kind of realism and criticism aesthetic spirit to fullyimplement. This progress not only in the movement of Taiwan new movie show thecreation subject itself the awakening of subject consciousness, more importantly, in thisnew film reflects the local, the complex of the subaltern, awaken the native consciousness,let people to know the history of Taiwan.T’ung wang is one of the important director of Taiwan new movie period. T’ung wangmost films are focused on the fate of the little people with little highlights big history,presents a unique art of time and space. T’ung wang most of the content of the movie has astrong tragic consciousness, art form, absurd with irony, metaphor, symbol of expression topresent it.This article from the following several aspects to T’ung wang movies docomprehensive analysis: the first part first introduced the development situation of Taiwannew movie movement is roughly, then in time for clues, introduce the growing experienceand creative trajectory T’ung wang director. Expectations of T’ung wang through this partof the reader and his works have a detailed understanding, for the following chapterdiscusses his works such as the theme of the groundwork; The second part according toT’ung wang director of image works to explore the characteristics of their works plays: thetheme, characters and narrative structure. In this part, focuses on analyzing his trilogy ofTaiwan’s contemporary history "scarecrow", also known as the native trilogy "bananaparadise","silent hill", finally sums up all images T’ung wang works have in common:committed to depict the fate of the great age of small and medium-sized characters, directorexpressed deep compassion, sympathy to them and humanitarian concern; The third part ofthe directing style of T’ung wang analysis. This section contains the following several aspects: simplicity of the audio-visual language, T’ung wang type of black humor, exquisiteartistic skills; In the conclusion part summarizes the purpose of the writing and thinking.This article not only analyzes the T’ung wang director thought formed by several stages,more consideration to the director’s style and summarizes the practical significance of thethis style in each film. These work just want to have a detailed research on T’ung wangdirector, achieve the result of the author.
Keywords/Search Tags:T’ung wang, Theme, Directing style, Humanitarian care
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