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Research On Poems Of Tajalliy

Posted on:2014-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D M Y X N ShaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422458373Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yusiyinhan. Tajalliy (1848-1927years), the Uyghur poet, famous Uyghur medical scientists,chemists. Tajalliy is at the end of nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century a future Uyghurliterary history of poet. He absorbs the essence on the basis of inheriting the traditional Uyghur classicliterature,, developing their own unique writing style, to promote progress in the ideological content ofthe thought of democratic tendencies, and made an indelible contribution to the development of UygurLiterature.Tajalliy’s works, covering literature, medicine, philosophy, religion, but some at the time ofTajalliy the small group of extremists tissue destruction activities into ashes, but a lot of work is still inprivate saving and handed down. There are poems " Tajalliy heart light "," win " the poem," Arabicpoetry "," two ode " contribution, integration," or " performance of " secret ", love poems, and bringstogether to write poems, early twentieth Century in Bulgaria with Uygur the old text published " TajalliyPoetry ". These works to fill some blank Uygur modern literature history, may help us to understand theend of nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century the social status.In many works of Tajalliy," Tajalliy heart light " and " win " the poetry two anthology is twomore representative."" Tajalliy heart light " the poetry series into the poet from India, Iran, Afghanistanduring to study until nineteenth Century at the end of Uyghur, Persian and Arabic poetry, including17first click color generation of ode,31pieces of wood color, six lines of the poem, in addition to the first15kinds of form and content the poems, for some friends wrote this letter. The whole constitutes alyrical poems. These poems are batted make painstaking efforts for the poet, the poem reached a highlevel of classical literature, praised by all walks of life, the poet was already widespread, even as theanthology School of Oriental Literature Textbooks for the students to learn as harmonic mode. Thesepoems with profound thinking, thinking sharp philosophy, rigorous logic relationship, the beauty of thelanguage is exquisite, diversity of expression means causes central and Eastern countries writers of note,there is a part of poetry in the late nineteenth Century early twentieth Century in Tashkent was published,series in Eastern literature of fine works." Tajalliy heart light " content basically is the love. The poet with love as the intermediary,expressing his love life, love life, yearning for freedom, longing for liberation, the pursuit of light, thepursuit of progress thought, brought exposes the social system of injustice, highly loyal faith, friendship,fraternity and other noble sentiment, denounce false.Tajalliy poetry is the expression of his era represent the progress and development of the art ofthinking, the poet as a pursuit of liberation and freedom fighter, stood in the forefront of the times,shouted out the strongest voice of the times, to convey the whole society, including in the social stratumfrom exploitation, oppression of the working heart and desire, expressing their yearning for the future.The rich ideological content that is to rich and colorful artistic expression, which constitute the artisticcharacteristics of Tajalliy ’s poetry.The most prominent artistic features of Tajalliy ’s poetry performance in its poetic language,concise, smooth, rich natural, moving first. As mentioned before, Tajalliy Life tour Sifahan,multilingualism, he from various language vocabulary extract, all blend into one harmonious whole.,greatly enhanced his language expressive force. The language of his poetry is not only the United States,but also thinking and philosophy is profound, has the very strong infectivity. Read his poetry, can makethe person produces a kind of be personally on the scene, the plot in feeling. E.g. his about black Ode tothe beginning of the four sentence:" a shining golden dawn rising off its flag, a dark mist from the stagein discrete. The sun with its sharp nails as light, put shoulder draped in black sky to shreds." Use the language of images, a few pen sketch out a glow of the sky, the sun is rising, the darkness, the earth abright image and artistic conception, readers not by for a light heart, spirit, feel the life force in thesublimation, a life of desire in the heart. Tejeri is good at his sense of beauty with the accurate languageto convey to his readers. Not only in the use of Uyghur poems is such, is written in Arabic, Persianpoetry in the same way.Tajalliy as a poet, and his poetry is a master of language, the language of art give us set up themodel of learning, his poems such as flowers bloom in the garden in full bloom, colorful streamer,brilliant purples and reds, emitting a unique fragrance of the air in the Uygur modern literature history.In the introduction part mainly express is the main task of Uygur literature history jade Siyin sweat.Objective, aikebaier Taijieli poetry research significance of the research, research methods, researchscope and content.The first chapter, mainly Tajalliy life, Uyghur, Persian, Arabic language creation activities, worktype etc.Second, the third chapter is the most important part of this thesis, is the main part of the Tajalliypoetry, historical and cultural background, thought stage, folk literature and traces of poetry, poetryideological content, philosophy, artistic characteristics and aesthetic value.The third chapter is mainly on the important position, Uighur classical literature Tajalliy, content, effectand influence.A detailed analysis on the part of the conclusion part of the vocabulary of Tajalliy poetry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tajalliy’s poetry, language arts
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