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The pen and the fork: Linking the literary arts and the culinary arts, with, 'Victual Reality', an original food poetry manuscript

Posted on:2001-05-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Bellamy, Gail GhetiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014454958Subject:American literature
This study explores the language and literature of food, particularly as they are expressed in contemporary North American poetry. Throughout history, poetry has been written about food and foodways, but the interrelation between food and poetry is seldom addressed. In order to establish a connection between food and poetry, this review provides a brief historical perspective, defines and gives examples of literary food writing, and includes an original poetry manuscript that builds on these ideas.;The section on The Language of Food draws connections between language and food, and gives examples of those whose work focuses on linking the two. It elaborates on the ways in which food serves as means of expression, and draws distinctions between them. It also addresses representations of food, illustrates similarities between structures of cuisine and the structure of language, and discusses some implications of recipe language. In addition, this work establishes the poetry/cookbook connection and studies the two ways in which writers have made the creative connection between writing about poetry and writing about food. It includes cookbook writers who have incorporated poetry into their projects, and poets who have included recipes in their poetry collections.;The section on The Literature of Food concentrates on poets writing about food. Since contemporary food poetry has its roots in the classics, this section provides a historical setting. It references poets who have integrated food and social commentary, or food and philosophy. Sources include writings that explore the social meaning of food, and contemporary American poetry that focuses on food images.;These first two sections establish the groundwork for Victual Reality, an original food poetry manuscript that completes the project. The poems draw on an informed food perspective, and incorporate ideas about the cultural and emotional meanings of food.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poem
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