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History of standardization of English language arts: An analysis of the foundation and focus of English language arts

Posted on:2013-01-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M University - Corpus ChristiCandidate:Culbertson, Deborah JFull Text:PDF
This dissertation analyzed English language arts standards for changes in the focus and foundation of English language arts content, which added a new dimension to existing research. The population of the study included primary and secondary documents, including nationally published standard documents for 9th -- 12th grade, the setting is 1894 - 2010.;Brief histories of the American high school and standardization are woven into the development of high school English. The research methodology includes a combination of interim analysis of the literature and the standards, and a content analysis of the foundational standards. A philosophical inquiry of key terms was included in the analysis because terms changed meaning as time passed.;The researcher developed detailed semantic maps to demonstrate the changes in the standards. Through these maps and the amended setting, a foundation of standards became apparent. The implications of the foundation standard study are: Media standards should align to visual literacies instead of quick changing technologies; motivation in reading is from self selection which should be reflected in the standards; developmental reading and ways of reading should be defined in the standards; more research in grammar- current grammar instruction is consistently listed as invalid; and elaboration on the impact of political decisions on English language arts. English educators yearn for an answer to the dichotomy in their content; a look at the history may provide some basis for change.
Keywords/Search Tags:English language arts, Foundation, Standards, Content
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