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Poems Of The Mid-Tang Dynasty Literati Garden Research

Posted on:2014-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330422458325Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through the whole of the poems of the Tang Dynasty garden contemplation,analysis of the Tang literati of this period in Tang Dynasty literati garden poetryembodied the spirit world, as well as in the Tang Dynasty garden poem poetry suchoverall art style, analysis of garden life on. literature and social impact, and thusreveal the poetry of the Tang Dynasty garden unique literary value and aestheticvalue, but also provides a new perspective for the study of the literature and cultureTang.The full text is divided into four main sections. The first part discusses the valueand scope of the study of the thesis topic, an overview of the garden overview of theTang Dynasty. The second section deals with the content of the Tang Dynasty literatigarden life. Divided into two levels: the first layer is written literati the Aristoactivities of the garden, through the description of the text Shared Aristo activities,pointed out that the activities mainly content to each other singing and poetry, poetrythat is different from the early Tang Dynasty garden poem should be ambitioussystem and describe the contents, but for specific garden scene, concerned about theperspective expressed through these works the literati of thinking rheological turn asmall, external to internal. The second layer write literati individual activities,including reading drinking the cool air Gaowo, the the farming planting, fishingpiano, these activities show the real feelings of the literati, on the one hand, scholarsprojected onto the inner garden, on the one hand garden in the garden The works ofthe literati spiritual expression, influence each other mutually reflect. The thirdsection discusses the spirit of the Tang Dynasty in pursuit, respectively, from theexpression of the aesthetic characteristics of garden space to construct the life of theliterati attitude, humanities and natural reconcile Penetration and aesthetic idealexpression of the three areas are discussed. Literati favorite and respond to naturalattitude towards life and literary scholar fun life to the pursuit of three levels, tounify garden space and literati attitudes. City and wild, Shi and hidden, humanitiesand natural reconcile literati garden. Garden space in Tang Dynasty performancegarden small tend to fit the needs of the soul for the United States to be close to thenatural beauty aesthetic ideal. Part IV discusses the Tang Dynasty garden in thecreation of the social life, first, to achieve the vision of the ideal of intellectual"Utopia", the architectural style of the influence of a fixed pattern; building livingspace is formed literary and social climate impact Hing function and literary purposes from the literature from the garden, the garden of life poetic style into thediscourse of the two. Clear the garden between life and literature intertwinedinextricably linked to each other to promote common influence.
Keywords/Search Tags:mid-Tang Dynasty, Literati, Poems of Garden, Literary Value
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