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On The Reconstruction Of Foregrounding Features In The Translation Of Wild

Posted on:2014-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
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The thesis is a report on the translating of Wild. Six parts of the book is translatedthrough the cooperation of three students under the guidance of the supervisor. Theauthor of this report is responsible for the translation of the fourth chapter—ThePacific Crest Trail, Volume I: California and the fifth chapter—Tracks.Wild, a memoir of Cheryl Strayed (1968-), records her solo hiking in thewilderness. In Wild, Strayed narrates the dangers she encountered in the long-distancehiking and describes her emotions. The book develops the theme of self-redemption.In order to convey the complicated thoughts and feelings, Cheryl uses many writingskills in the book, among which deviation and parallelism are especially noticeable inthe source text. They help the source text form a unique style which poses a greatchallenge to the translator.As an important writing style, foregrounding is frequently used in Wild.Foregrounding features, useful in revealing themes in literary works, provide avaluable perspective for translators. The translator finds that in the case of translatingliterary works filled with subtle feeling descriptions, such as Wild, it is significant fortranslators to make efforts to reconstruct foregrounding features in the translation bygrasping and reproducing such feelings so as to reveal the theme of the source text.In the report, besides following the standard procedures, such as task descriptionand process description, the translator conducts a text analysis of foregroundingfeatures in the source text at the level of graphology, lexis and syntax. She alsodemonstrates how she overcame the difficulties in the process of translation from theperspective of full representation, flexible transformation and zero-translation. Inaddition, the translator summarizes the effects of the reconstruction of foregroundingfeatures in the translation, namely the thematic and stylistic effect.In the last part of this report, the translator sums up the experience that she hasgained from this translation work. This valuable experience will be meaningful for thetranslator to improve the quality of her translation in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wild, foregrounding features, translation, theme, style
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