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A Study Of Gender Based On The Danben Of Yuan Tsa-chu Narrative Perspective

Posted on:2014-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401984710Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yuan tsa-chu is not only the symbol of the literature in Yuan dynasty’s literaturebut also the living fossil in social life of that period. Yuan tsa-chu were greatly noticednowadays, especially the female figures depicted in the play. But nobody has speciallyresearched the special female figures depicted in the Yuan tsa-chu from its narrativeperspective, yet nobody has researched the reason why the Yuan tsa-chu created somany highly personalized female images through this view. This paper is designed toresearch the distinctive feature that Yuan tsa-chu different from the previousgeneration’s popular literature styles by the Yuan tsa-chu’s narrative perspectivethrough the study of the Danben. Yuan tsa-chu has a distinctive feature that differentfrom the previous generation’s popular literature styles, it is that Yuan tsa-chu’swriting adopts a kind of female perspective, so Yuan tsa-chu gives expression to astrong feminist consciousness. This paper dissertates about this view in detail andfinds out why Yuan tsa-chu is this. The study of this paper mainly adopts text analysis.This thesis is composed of two parts: foreword and the text.In the foreword, the author mainly introduces the significance, the aim, the angleof the writing and the brief literature review.The text is composed of three chapters:The first chapter: the outline of Danben. The first time of classification of Yuantsa-chu is dated from, and the process of development and change on the Yuantsa-chu’s classification is talked too in this chapter. And Yuan tsa-chu can be dividedinto Love and Marriage drama, Family drama, Chronicle drama, Mythological dramaand Detective drama, so is Danben.The second chapter: the narrative perspective of the Danben. It is the mostimportant part in this paper. The study stats from the five classifications of theDanben, and the five classifications are divided into some smaller parts in differentlarger classifications, and the research just starts from this. Through the discussion ofthis part, it can be known that the Danben has strong feminist consciousness and itsnarrative perspective is female perspective. This chapter adopts text analysis and theresearch is unfolded between the Danben and the popular fiction of Tang and Song.The third chapter: the reason why the Danben adopts a female perspective. Thischapter analyzes the reason for the Danben’s female perspective from the perspectiveof the unique social culture, the literati of Yuan dynasty and the speech describedmethods of Yuan tsa-chu. It points out that the birth of the special Yuan tsa-chu justbecause of the special characteristics of the times. That the amalgamation of differentethnic groups and the exchanges with the outside promots the multiplex and literalculture environment. And the prosperity of the market economic in Yuan dynastyprovides the base of economic. And the special speech described methods of Yuantsa-chu is the most important reason on why Danben has a female perspective. Through the study of this paper it can be known that the Danben adopts a femaleperspective, it is different from the popular fiction of Tang and Song at this view. AndDanben reflects the emotional appeal of women themselves’ own and affirmed theseemotional appeal, women in Yuan tsa-chu have Independent personality. It is becausethe special characteristics of the Yuan dynasty, and the special speech describedmethod-“yi ren zhu chang “of Yuan tsa-chu is the most important reason.Throughout research works of Yuan tsa-chu by different researchers, it can beknown that the study about Yuan tsa-chu from the narrative perspective is very rarely.This paper’s study has important Significance. It is expected to offer the new visualangle for the research of Yuan tsa-chu and build an academic platform thatre-examines Yuan tsa-chu.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Danben system of Yuan tsa-chu, female perspective, feminis
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