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A Relfective Research Report On The Translation Of Social Security(United States)

Posted on:2014-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y NiuFull Text:PDF
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This is a reflective research report on the English-Chinese translation task given bySocial Insurance Administration of Yuanbaoshan County where the author worked as an officeassistant and translator. The original text, Social Security (United States), is from Wikipedia.The text is an introduction of the Social Security program of the United States, including thedefinition and history of social security, types of benefits, operation of the system andcriticisms regarding the system and so on. The translated text was used as reference during thestudy of Social Insurance Administration of Yuanbaoshan County. Since the language style ofthe original text varied between chapters, different translating methods were used to deal withdifferent cases. Methods such as amplification and conversion were used, and the author alsoadopted some typical Chinese sentence forms to make the translated text smooth and easy tounderstand. In this report, the author introduces the translation task, analyses the original textand translation, and talks about problems he encountered as well as inspirations he acquiredduring the translation.This report is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on the introduction of thetranslation task. The second part offers information about the source text. The third partanalyzes the translation text in detail,and in this part, multiple examples are included toexplain how the translation methods were used. The last part is a conclusion, where the authordiscusses problems that the author found and inspirations that he acquired in the translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation strategy, social security, Wikipedia item, reflection
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