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Discuss Protagonist With Analyze These Three Persons As An Intergral Whole-Bulgarkov’s Master And Margaret

Posted on:2014-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401981973Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mikhail Bulgarkov (1891—1940), the former Soviet Union famous writer anddramatist. Master and Margaret is the last novel he creates, the last glory he builds.We can say this novel arrives the “simmit of ironic fantacy and strict realism”. Itreflects real life.At the same time, it transcends time and space for blending historiesand fairy tales;connecting the reality and illusion. Social maladies are revealed andthe society is criticized sharply. This novel is the most excellent masterpiece full ofirony and magic realism both in creation techniques and narrative structure. The storyhappened in Moscow in the thirties of the20th century,with a clear hierarchicalstructure. There are three clues. The first is the mysterious thing done by EblisWorland and his cortege in Moscow.The second is the trail on Jesusa by the JewishGovernor in Jerusalem2,000years ago.The third is the romantic love story betweenMaster and Margaret. In the novel,we get a sufficient illuminatin andthought-provoking thoughts about morality and human nature of good and evil.Master and Margaret has numerous characters and complex relations.This paperunscrambles the novel from threes parts.Firstly, introduce the writer Bulgarkov andthe background of the creation. Secondly, unscrible the master and the EblisWorland,construct the relathionsip among the writer and the two, seek the deepspiritual essence with analyze these three persons as an intergral whole in this novel,and finally shows the good will to readers.Thirdly,analysize the respective Personalityaesthetics of master and Worland in Master and Margaret.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bulgarkov, Master and Margaret, protagonist, personality
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