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Temperament And Mode To The Influence Of The Violin Intonation

Posted on:2014-09-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Violin as the "Queen of the instrument" has a beautiful sound, wide range,playing difficult, is rich and expressive. As the sound of the violin is "live",immaculately controlled entirely by the player. Due to the player to grasp the extent ofthe work is different, so different people with a work played a different artistic effect.This phenomenon in the performance of solo works is not obvious, especially in thesymphony orchestra, the performer with their level of good and bad, some peoplefocus only on the performance of the basic factors of sheet music are pitch andrhythm music performance, and in the legal system melody and tonality, harmonyfunction, playing law do not do in-depth research, and thus gave rise to a differentstandard to judge the pitch of individual differences, which makes the pitch andtimbre not played Voices Ensemble unified, expressive music greatly reduced.In order to solve the above happening, I use literature method, comparative law,the case study method, quantitative analysis method of analysis temperament tuning,tonal harmony, performances, and many other factors affect the violin intonationSummary and summarized, find out the law of specific sound score on the pitch tomake a clear judgment, combined with the spectrum of patients to conduct in-depthresearch and instructions. The results showed that the violin playing these constraintsimmaculately factors showing different contradictions and features in differentsituations, where the legal system is the fundamental factors affecting the violinintonation. Its existence is not a single, and in a work there will be a variety ofco-existing situation of temperament. Comprehensive legal system vertical impact,tuning, tonal harmonies and playing method other factors produce different degrees oflateral impact it played the violin, you need to grasp the intonation factors toconsidering summarize, such to accurately express the unique style and character ofthe music works.
Keywords/Search Tags:the violin intonation, temperament, mode
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