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On Narration Of Defamiliariztion In Chi Zijian’s Novels

Posted on:2014-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401981061Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The homeland of Chi Zijian is called Beiji village, located in northern Mohe,Heilongjiang province. Mountains and rivers formed her soul intimated with nature. Andchildhood brought her countless happy memories while also created her unique sense andfeeling toward literature and life. This dissertation prefers the defamilarization, which is oneof the core concepts from the Russian formalism theory as the starting point, combining withthe features of Chi Zijian’s novels to analyze, in order to explore the author’s penetratingthought and distinctive humanistic solicitude on life, livelihood, and subsistence.This dissertation has four chapters, chapter one: the overview of theories indefamiliarization and inscapes. It is mainly starting from the concept of defamiliarization,familiar with the development of the theories in defamiliarization and its inscapes, andexploring the close connection between defamiliarization and literature. Chapter two: thechoice of defamiliarization in Chi Zijian’s novels. The narrative device of defamiliarization isshown in four aspects, story line, historical background, narrative angle and narrativevocabulary. To experience the unique aesthetic value and emotion connotation in Chi Zijian’snovels. Chapter three: the meaning of "defamilarization" in Chi Zijian’s novels. It is Diggingdeep into the implication of defamiliarization in Chi Zijian’s novels, to seize its uniqueglamour in her literature. Chapter four: the peculiarity in narration of defamiliarization amongChi Zijian’ novels. Unlike other writers, the usage of defamilariztion is unconscious for ChiZijian. defamiliarization as one of the art forms, adds a unique glamour to the contents of hernovels.Broadly speaking, the narration of defamiliarization in Chi Zijian’s novels is usingdefamiliarzation as the bridge connected with the core of the works. She utilizes thedescription of subsistence and death to open out the dimensions of life and the direct andtruthful eyes from children, fools, animal to see this world, by standing on the corner ofhistory concerning the livelihood comprises and building the sorrow but not despair world byher simplicity and poetry to create a world of sorrow but not despair. Behind herdefamiliarization is her pale and light but also compassionate artistic character.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chi Zijian, Novel, Defamiliarization Narrative, Story Line
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