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Research On The Chenxie Of Han, Wei And The Six Dynasties

Posted on:2014-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401962244Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The range of research of the thesis is the Chenxie of Han, Wei and the six dynasties.Parallel Prose Assemble, written by Li Zhaoluo, has sort out the reference materials ofChenxie. According to the function of the parallel prose, he showed us a specific andclear classification of parallel prose before Sui and Tang dynasty. Chenxie is right one ofthem. Based on the classification of Parallel Prose Assemble, this thesis research theChenxie of Han, Wei and the six dynasties from the view of origin, definition,characteristic, and function.The total thesis is divided into three parts. The introduction which introduce thepurposes, methods and achievements of the situation of the subject at home and overseas.Part one briefly provides the origin of the Chenxie, give a definition and meaning. Relateto lots of literary forms such as zhang, biao, shangshu, shu, jian, qi……Part two is themain part of the whole thesis, to elect and analysis well-known works of the most famouswriters of Han, Wei and the six dynasties. This part intended to illustrate the evolution ofthe Chenxie. There are four chapters in part two, and every chapter primarily illustratethe changes of backgrounds of each dynasty. And then exhaustively show the changes ofthe Chenxie by means of the significant works of the notabilities. In addition, this partalso indicate the principle, system and standard of the Chenxie. Part three explains thestatus and influence of the Chenxie, which involves in the status of Han, Wei and the sixdynasties and the influence on later generations. The status of the Chenxie is anindispensable part of the Chinese classical literature which throughout the beginning tothe end. And the Chenxie also has a wide range of influence, especially to Tang dynasty.On the whole, this thesis is on the grounds of the evolution of the parallel prose, speciallyresearch the Chenxie. As a carrier of the evolution of parallel prose, The Chenxie playeda very important role in the evolution of Han, Wei and the six dynasties’ literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chenxie, Han,Wei and the six dynasties, Evolution
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