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Art Of Life

Posted on:2014-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HaoFull Text:PDF
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I have never forgotten the rich colors, the attractive dance and the fragrant andsweet rice wine of Shang Langde town since my trip to Guizhou province forcollecting painting materials twelve years ago. The girls and boys of Miao nationalminority wearing colorful clothes in good spirit have always been drawn elaboratelyby artists, who, however, paid little attention to their bad living conditions, simpleand rough articles for daily use in reality. My creative work is carried out around thedaily life of Miao. There is no gorgeous jewelry in my work, but you will find theperseverance spirit and everlasting happiness of Miao minority in it.Artistic creation is a product of the combination of sensual love and rationalanalysis. There are certainly some elements which make you feel passionate to thetheme you select. The reason why the author chooses long-horned women of miaonationality as my painting theme is that they are able to face to the life happily andcontentedly instead of complainingly or with morn and groan even under the hardand tough living environment. This simple character is just what many urban officeworkers and money worship persons are worth learning. Painting is a process ofcreative drawing and rational analysis for picture organization, but not a patchworkwithout pattern and order. It is surly that the most illustrative factors of paintingshould be put in the right place of the picture when you select the theme and topic,the useless props and figures deleted.Artistic creation is a product of the combination of sensual love and rationalanalysis. There are certainly some elements which make you feel passionate to thetheme you select. The reason why I choose long-horned women of miao nationalityas my painting theme is that they are able to face to the life happily and contentedlyinstead of complainingly even under the hard and tough living environment. Thissimple character is just what many urban office workers and money worship personsare worth learning. Painting is a process of creative drawing and rational analysis forpicture organization, but not a patchwork without pattern and order. It is surly that the most illustrative factors of painting should be put in the right place of the picturewhen you select the theme and topic, the useless props and figures deleted.Where does the light in the painting come from? On which body parts will theprojection be? How to combine the sensibility and the rationality through thepainting? I’ve found out the answer gradually during my creation. In my paintingprocess, I would like to highlight the part which I want to emphasize, so as to make itthe center of the picture, while fuse the less important parts with the overall tone ofthe picture. A clear structure serves the main theme and topic.
Keywords/Search Tags:real life, overall summary, applications of light
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