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The Bohai Social Life Diversified Explore

Posted on:2014-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401480093Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bohai State in698to926years extinguish in the Liao, the activities on the stageof history for229years. It is a local government and a vassal state of China’s TangDynasty, long maintained close political, economic and cultural ties and the TangDynasty, the Tang development on the northeast region played an important role. In thehistory active dissemination of Tang culture, and continue to trend Tang of creating abrilliant to create a glorious era. This paper for the study of to Bohai social life, and toexplore the reasons for its diverse and life characteristics.Every social life customs is cultural phenomenon which establish on the politicaland economic foundations. Firstly to sort out on the Bohai State in within the territoryof the natural environment, political system and economic activity, and provide the basisto further explore the Bohai human social life, customs. Secondly, systematic study andanalysis of the various aspects of the Bohai people’s social life custom trend Tang ofCostumes.Separately from below aspects: The diversity of the marriage andfuneral,respectively, from the diversity of weddings, a variety of eating habits, rich andcolorful living conditions, transport diversiform choices, a variety of religious forms ofpopular traditions and customs of the ethnic characteristics showed the Bohai people’sliving habits, systematic exposition the Bohai people’s social life of the formation,development and prosperity. Finally come to this conclusion: the Bohai people’s sociallife diversified generated by the Tang Dynasty greater impact advocate of Confucianism,prosperous peace, the positive development of life, their root causes lied Bohaiconstantly learning Tang Dynasty advanced culture,abandoning their backward livingcustoms, Bohai culture constantly Tang culture integration and convergence is theepitome of the life of the northeast Asia region. Bohai human social life and reflect theculture is an important part of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation and canfurther interpretation of the Unity of the Chinese cultural formation process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hobai, social life, diversification
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