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On Folk Calligraphy In Wei Jin Dynasties

Posted on:2013-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Calligraphy of artistic distinction and folk calligrapy traditionally form the two great schools of Chinese calligraphy. Folk calligraphy in Wei Jin Dynasties demonstrates sharp contrast against calligraphy of artistic distinction with its simple and plain calligraphic style for the reason that the style of folk calligraphy at that time is experiencing the integration of old and new and is constantly changing and developing with the remainder of the old and the emergence of the new; however, under the influence of various factors, folk calligraphy in Wei Jin Dynasties had been marginalized in calligraphy circles for a long period thus had been neglected and fallen into oblivion in history. Since20th century, with the excavations of a large amount of paleography of Wei Jin Dynasties, such as bamboo slips, paper fragments in northwestern part of China, studies on folk calligraphy in Wei Jin Dynasties has been included in research field with their aquisition of those invaluable substantial material. Based on this, this thesis summarizes and cards the subatantial material of folk calligraphy in Wei Jin Dynasties systematically and dissects systematically the kinds of calligrafic style, aesthetic characteristics and its differences with calligraphy of artistic distinction and analyzes profoundly the inside reasons through the analysis of subatantial material, comparative study and generalization and conclusion. Meanwhile the thesis explores its reference functions for the modern calligraphy creation to take advantage of the virtues to enrich our calligraphy creation and to provide an utterly new aesthetic tendency and creative tendency, hence revitalize folk calligraphy with long history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei Jin Dynasties, folk calligraphy, aesthetic difference, reason
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