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A Report On The Translation Of My Remote Qingpingwan

Posted on:2014-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translating task is My Remote Qingpingwan. This short story was written by a famous contemporary writer, Shi Tiesheng. The word number is around11,500. The core content of this report is analyzing the translation methods of sentences which contain onomatopoeic words and then summarizing the two basic translation criteria.There are totally four parts in this report. The first part is the introduction of the translating task. The second part is the description of the translating procedure. The third part is the analysis of the translation of some example sentences. Taking some specific sentences as examples, the author analyzes several methods when translating sentences with onomatopoeic words. The fourth part is a summary of this translation report. In this part, the author not only summarizes translation methods but also gets two Chinese-to-English translation criteria on the basis of equivalence theory. The author hopes the translation methods and criteria in this report can contribute to future translation research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qingpingwan, onomatopoeic words, translation methods, equivalence theory
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