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A Study On Logical Contradiction And Dialectical Contradiction

Posted on:2014-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contradiction, everyone know a little bit about the meaning of the word, but little ofus have had a deeper study on these questions. It is well known that contradictions haveseveral classification, on this paper I will argue these issues at two ascept which are logicand dialectic. What are the exact meanings of these concepts ‘logic contradiction’ and‘dialectic contradiction’, and why there are so many differences between them? I thinksome logic-learners may have these questions too.The research of these two kinds of contradiction problems in logic academic fields isalways a hot topic, but by now we still haven’t seen the valid and systematical researchs.Most of the logic researchers only paid attention to the difference between them, and didnot grasp the links between them. Yet there are also the distinguishment caused bydifferences between scholars, and what’s more, cognition difference has made thesituation worse, which has been plagued logic scholars for lots of years. Along with themarket economy increasingly opening, people-to-people and region-to-region economicexchanges extent to a further degree, finally leading the cultural exchanges more and morewidely. All above will finally boost modern logic, knowledge and cognition will have afurther and faster development.In this paper I bring in dialectics and paradox theory to discus these two kinds ofcontrodiction, basic on the understanding of logical contradiction and dialecticalcontradiction deeply both, and basic on the theoretical research results making byprecedent logic scholars, I hope to analysis these two kinds of contradiction problem, andeventually lay out several methods for distinguishing logic contradiction and dialecticalcontradiction through the method of finding essence of law and the method ofcomparison.
Keywords/Search Tags:Logical contradiction, Dialectical contradicti, paradox, Dialectics
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