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Paradox, Contradiction And Dialectics

Posted on:2012-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhuangFull Text:PDF
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Could God create a stone which himself can not lift? If he can not create such a stone,it is clear he is not omnipotent. If he has created such a stone, then he will not lift it,so he is not omnipotent.Above the value of this paradox is not just a logical game. Paradoxes like the palace of truth torn curtain covering one gap,have been so surprised, but elusive. Philosophy and progress in history with a stunning paradox into another now and resolved.Scientific development in the history of human thought and, paradox is a very old and new topic. Paradox is a logical theory, an extremely important issue. Paradox is always relative to a particular subject and some understanding of the theoretical system, each a specific paradox can only be resolved relative, it is always inherent in scientific development, in the absolute sense is not completely resolved possible. The emergence of paradoxes and their solutions to explore, that will face the challenges of any scientific theory, theory can be modified at any time; and any scientific theory is bounded, we can only grasp in order to truly understand the limits of rational theory, as we use. By case analysis and holistic integrated approach, formal and non formal technical study of the philosophy of integrated, comprehensive, in depth analysis of each point of the paradox and its research results and significance of the combination of contradictions and dialectics Thought paradox, that paradox is the emergence of crisis, the solution of it is to promote the continuous development and improvement of the human mind a strong driving force.This article is divided into four parts:Part I introduces the basic paradox, including its meaning, the main types of solutions, etc.; the second part, the strict distinction between two types of conflicts are discussed on the basis of the contradiction between the logic paradox ownership; third part of the logical paradoxes of contemporary dialectical philosophy for the possible development of a great role; fourth part, focusing on the solution of the paradox of a huge push for the role of scientific theory.New ideas reflected in the topics of articles and writing point of view, the paradox of contradictions and dialectics linked with, and not just only talk about paradox, so relatively new on the topic; dialectical philosophy in the confirmation of an important inspiration for Logical Paradox value, but also concerned about the logical paradoxes of contemporary dialectical philosophy for the possible development of the great role. This paper aims to study the paradoxes and contradictions, dialectics combine to illustrate how we should better grasp and understanding of science, use the comprehensive development of scientific theory to look upon the production and improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Paradox, Contradiction, Dialectics
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