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Clinical Analysis Of Related Factors Of Gastric Cancer Site(Clinical Analysis Of12525cases)

Posted on:2015-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H MaFull Text:PDF
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Objective:According to this study, the incidence of different partsdivided into: the bottom of the cardia of the stomach, the gastric body, gastricantrum and mixed type. Degree of gastric cancer in different parts of gender,age, family history, smoking, alcohol consumption, anemia, hypoalbuminemia,comorbidities, Borrmann type, histological type, differentiation, TNM stage,size, lymph node metastasis, peritoneal seeding, liver metastasis ovarianmetastases, ascites related factors, such as surgery were retrospectivelyanalyzed and preliminary discussions to provide an objective basis forstandardized treatment of gastric cancer, improving survival and quality of lifeof patients.Methods: This study selected from January1963to December2012,12,525cases of patient data at the Fourth Hospital of Hebei MedicalUniversity hospital treatment, according to the diseased parts were dividedinto: the bottom of the cardia of the stomach, the gastric body, gastric antrumand mixed type. Degree of gastric cancer in different parts of gender, age,family history, smoking, alcohol consumption, anemia, hypoalbuminemia,comorbidities, Borrmann type, histological type, differentiation, TNM stage,size, lymph node metastasis, peritoneal seeding, liver metastasis, ovarianmetastasis, ascites, surgery and other related factors were analyzedretrospectively. SPSS17.0statistical software for data using descriptivestatistics and statistical analysis, P<0.05was considered statisticallysignificant。Results:1Sex: In this study,9,795cases of male patients, female patients with2,730cases, the number of male and female incidence ratio of approximately3.6:1, different parts of the incidence of both males more than females. The incidence of gastric cardia bottom in men than women, the gastric body,antrum, hybrid males were lower than the incidence of women relative to menthat women are more susceptible to gastric cardia cancer (X2=156.33, P <0.05,significant difference).2Age: In this study, the incidence of gastric cardia of the stomach to thebottom part (52.8%) the most common, followed by gastric antrum (20.2%),mixed (18.3%), gastric body (8.7%). Mainly concentrated in the age40-70years, and50-60years of age for the onset of the peak.40years of age thehighest incidence of gastric antrum cancer, gastric cardia over the age of41atthe bottom of the highest incidence of cancer, and gastric cardia cancerincidence rises with age is rising, the gastric body, antrum, decreasing theincidence of mixed trend (X2=496.720, P <0.05, significant difference).3Smoking: In this study,37.5%of patients with gastric cancer insmokers. Gastric cardia cancer smoking patients (44.4%) was significantlyhigher than in other parts, and above average, gastric body (31.3%), gastricantrum (8.6%), mixed (30.1%) lower than the proportion of smokers average(X2=292.208, P <0.05, significant difference).4Drinking: In this study, the proportion of patients with gastric cancer inpatients with alcohol of24.9%. The bottom of the cardia of the stomach inpatients with alcohol (29.8%) was significantly higher than the proportion ofother parts of the gastric cardia and bottom of the proportion of alcohol inpatients with above-average proportion of the gastric body (20.5%), gastricantrum (18.3%), mixed type (19.9%) lower than the average proportion ofpatients with alcohol ratio.(X2=120.922, P <0.05, significant difference).5Family history: In this study,1,270cases of patients have a familyhistory, the rate was10.1%. Bottom highest incidence of gastric cardia(14.8%), followed by mixed type (8.0%), gastric body (7.4%), gastric antrum(6.1%). Bottom with a family history of gastric cardia was significantlyhigher than in other parts, and above average (X2=120.922, P<0.05, significantdifference). 6Hypoproteinemia: In this study, patients with hypoalbuminemia the ratewas13.0%. Mixed highest incidence (21.6%), followed by gastric body(15.1%), gastric antrum (13.3%), gastric cardia bottom (9.5%). Mixedhypoalbuminemia were significantly higher than in other parts (X2=227.938,P <0.05, significant difference).7Anemia: Patients in this study had anemia associated with3105cases,the incidence of24.8%. Mixed highest incidence (34.7%), followed by gastricbody (28.2%), gastric antrum (23.2%), gastric cardia bottom (21.0%). Mixedincidence of anemia was significantly higher than other sites (X2=179.084, P<0.05, significant difference).8Obstruction: In this study, patients with gastric cancer are1567cases ofobstruction, the occurrence rate of12.5%. Antrum (22.6%) the highestincidence, followed by mixed type (16.5%), gastric body (12.1%), gastriccardia bottom (7.3%). The incidence of gastric antrum was significantly higherthan other parts of the obstruction (X2=432.844, P<0.05, significantdifference).9Bleeding: In this study, patients with bleeding gastric cancer has1,543cases, the rate was12.3%. Mixed type (16.5%) most likely to hemorrhage,followed by gastric body (16.3%), the gastric antrum (14.7%), cardia (9.3%).Mixed, with a higher probability of gastric bleeding (X2=227.938, P<0.05,significant difference).10Perforation: In this study, patients with gastric perforation47cases,the rate was0.4%.Antrum (1.0%) perforation highest incidence, followed bygastric body (0.5%), mixed (0.4%), cardia (0.1%). Antral perforationincidence was significantly higher than other parts (X2=41.805, P<0.05,significant difference).11Tumor size: In this study, the lesion diameter>5cm rate of53.4%occurred; lesion diameter≤5cm rate was46.6%. Antrum diameter <5cmproportion of64.4%, significantly higher than other parts of the mixed ratioof5cm in diameter≥76.0%was significantly higher than other sites(X2=227.938, P <0.05, significant difference). 12Borrmann type: In this study, Borrmann type to Type II, III mostcommon type, both the proportion of80.6%, V-type rarest, the proportion wasonly1.1%. Gastric ministries are type II, III type based. Bottom type I (16.1%)was significantly higher than the stomach cardia other parts, hybrid IV (19.7%)was significantly higher than that of other parts.(X2=1033.006, P <0.05,significant difference)13Tissue typing: In this study, gastric tissue typing mainly inadenocarcinoma (adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma)and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, the proportion reached85.8%.Various parts of gastric adenocarcinoma tissue typing are (well-differentiatedadenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma) and poorlydifferentiated adenocarcinoma. Gastric cardia adenocarcinoma bottom, signetring cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma ofthe gland was significantly higher than other parts of mixed poorlydifferentiated adenocarcinoma incidence was significantly higher than otherparts.(X2=776.534, P<0.05, significant difference)14Degree of differentiation: In this study, the proportion of high schooldifferentiated by60.3%, the proportion of poorly differentiated type was39.7%. Differentiated gastric cardia bottom high school (68.5%) wassignificantly higher than the proportion in other parts; hybrid poorlydifferentiated type (53.8%) was significantly higher than the proportion ofother parts (X2=410.495, P <0.05, significant difference).15Clinical stage: In this study, gastric cancer staging with stage III(48.5%) dominated, followed by Phase II (29.0%), I period (11.6%), IV period(10.8%). Gastric cardia bottom phase II (36.4%) was significantly higher thanother parts, IV period (4.0%) was significantly lower than in other parts;Mixed Phase III (55.4%), IV period (21.6%) was significantly higher thanother parts, I period (6.2%) was significantly lower than other parts.(X2=1060.282, P<0.05, significant difference)16Lymph node metastasis: In this study, gastric cancer with lymph nodemetastasis was approximately74.6%, mixed type (91.2%) of the maximum transfer rate, followed by the antrum (75.2%), gastric body (72.4%), gastriccardia bottom (68.8%)(X2=430.706, P <0.05, significant difference).17Liver metastases: In this study,417patients developed livermetastasis, liver metastasis was3.6%, mixed (6.9%) the highest incidence,followed by gastric body (5.9%), gastric antrum (4.1%), cardiac stomachbottom (1.8%).(X2=146.214, P <0.05, significant difference)18Peritoneal: In this study, the incidence of peritoneal seeding rate of4.5%, mixed type (12.2%) had the highest rate, followed by the antrum(5.6%), gastric body (5.5%), gastric cardia bottom (1.1%)(X2=475.114, P<0.05, significant difference).19Ovarian metastasis: Female patients with ovarian metastasis in44cases, the incidence of1.7%. Mixed (3.6%) the highest incidence, followed bygastric body (3.6%), gastric antrum (1.8%), cardia (0.3%)(X2=31.152,P <0.05,significant difference).20Ascites:594cases of gastric cancer with ascites, ascites incidence was4.7%, the highest hybrid (10.8%) incidence, followed by gastric antrum(6.9%), gastric body (6.3%), gastric cardia bottom (1.6%).(X2=368.469, P<0.05, significant difference)21Surgical nature: In this study,86.1%of the patients underwent radicalresection of gastric cardia bottom (92.2%) the highest proportion of radicalsurgery, followed by gastric body (86.8%), gastric antrum (80.0%), mixed(75.3%).(X2=483.721, P <0.05, significant difference)Conclusion:1The number of male and female incidence ratio of approximately3.6:1,relative to men that women are more susceptible to gastric cardia cancer.Gastric mainly focused on40-70year-old age, and the peak incidence50-60years, the incidence rises with age, site of gastric cancer has moved up trend.Smoking and drinking increases the risk of gastric cardia cancer. Patients havea family history of10.1%. Family history of gastric cardia cancer patients was14.8%, significantly higher than in other parts, and above average.2Mixed type of anemia, hypoalbuminemia incidence was significantly higher than other parts.3Antrum easier than other parts of the merger obstruction.4Hybrid and gastric cancer incidence of bleeding was significantlyhigher than the antrum and gastric cardia cancer and cancer.5Antral perforation incidence of cancer was significantly higher thanother sites.6Antrum diameter <5cm proportion was63.8%, significantly higher thanother parts of the mixed ratio of5cm in diameter≥76.0%was significantlyhigher than other sites.7Borrmann type to Type II, III most common type, both the proportionof80.6%, V-type rarest, the proportion was only1.1%.8Gastric ministries are type II, III type based. Bottom type I (16.1%) wassignificantly higher than the stomach cardia other parts, hybrid IV (19.7%)was significantly higher than that of other parts.9Various parts of gastric adenocarcinoma tissue typing are(well-differentiated,adenocarcinoma,moderately differentiated adenocarcino-ma) and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Gastric cardia adenocarcino-ma bottom, signet ring cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, squamouscell carcinoma of the gland was significantly higher than other parts of mixedpoorly differentiated adenocarcinoma incidence was significantly higher thanother parts.10Differentiated gastric cardia bottom high school (68.5%) wassignificantly higher than the proportion in other parts; hybrid poorlydifferentiated type (53.8%) was significantly higher than the proportion ofother parts.11Gastric cardia bottom phase II (36.4%) was significantly higher thanother parts, IV period (4.0%) was significantly lower than in other parts;Mixed Phase III (55.4%), IV period (21.6%) was significantly higher thanother parts, I period (6.2%) was significantly lower than other parts.12Mixed with lymph node metastasis was significantly higher than othersites. 13Mixed peritoneal highest incidence of gastric cardia lowest bottom.14The incidence of ovarian planting hybrid highest gastric cardia lowestbottom.15Mixed highest incidence of ascites, gastric cardia lowest bottom.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gastric parts, Generally, Pathological features, Surgery
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