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The Research Of The Geographical Regularity And Environmental Mechanism About Epidemic Disease Of Jiangxi Province In The Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2015-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330428469413Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Short for pestilence disaster, epidemic is top human disaster caused by pandemic infectious disease. It endangers the health and safety of human life and affects the stable development of society. During Qing Dynasty in Jiangxi Province,94out of268years occurred epidemics, with an average of2.85years one epidemic, and the epidemic frequency was35.07%. These epidemics involved74counties and the accumulative epidemic counties added up to247.For the temporal distribution, Xianfeng Era had the maximum epidemic frequency and Yongzheng Era had the minimum epidemic frequency. Epidemics mainly occurred in autumn. On the cycle distribution, it can be divided into five periods of waves with varied wavelength, and the trend line shows a leveling lateral "S" type.For the spatial distribution, the epidemics in each Era displayed patchy and scattered spatial form, distributing in different region of Jiangxi Province sporadically or intensively, and Fengcheng county had the highest epidemic frequency and thickness. On the prefecture differences, the prefecture of Nanchang had the highest epidemic frequency, while the prefecture of Ji’an had the biggest epidemic thickness. On the overall characteristics, epidemics mainly occurred along the cruciform of north-south traffic route and west-east traffic route. The core of epidemics migrated to the central-north of Jishui county in the middle Qing Dynasty from the northeast Xiajiang county in the early Qing Dynasty, and finally migrated to central-west Chongren county in the late Qing Dynasty.For the environmental mechanism of epidemics, natural disasters, climate change and regional environmental characteristics are the three main aspects which affected the prevalence of epidemics in Jiangxi province. On natural disasters, flood, hunger and drought are the main factors leading to epidemic disasters, while there is no correlation between locusts, earthquakes and epidemics. On climate, the ten-year epidemic index is inversely proportional to the ten-year severe winter index and ten-year warm winter index, and epidemics tend to be easier to occur when the climate is colder. On precipitation, the ten-year epidemic index is inversely proportional to the drought and flood rank sequence basically, and continuous drought is prone to cause epidemic disasters. On regional environmental characteristics, affected by landform, climate and river, epidemics are more active in the north and central terrain and basin, around Poyang lake and along the bank of Gan river, Fu river, Xin river, Rao river and Xiu river. On the social and economic environment, population density and population mobility have positive relationship with epidemics. The relationship of transportation and epidemics was mainly reflected on the transmission route of epidemics. The Taiping war became the major cause of the epidemic prevalence in Xianfeng Era and Tongzhi Era. The imperfection of policy system and health system are related to epidemic prevalence to some extent.
Keywords/Search Tags:epidemic disaster, geographical regularity, environmental mechanism, Jiangxi province, Qing Dynasty
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