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Research On The Intervention Effect Of Community Care And Support On PLWHA Families In Nanchang City

Posted on:2014-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330425958397Subject:Epidemiology and Health Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:To know the general status and quality of life of PLWHA families in Nanchang,Compare the quality of life of PLWHA families with non-PLWHA families, analyzethe impact factors of the quality of life of PLWHA families, evaluate the effect of thecommunity care and support intervention, then provide references for resourceallocation and investment strategies about AIDS prevention and treatment forgovernment, provide the basis for establishment of community care and support modefor PLWHA families.Methods:The non-probability purposive sampling method was used to selected thePLWHA families, according to the range of residence and economic conditions of thePLWHA families selected non-PLWHA families were selected as the control of thequality of family life of PLWHA families in three communities in Nanchang. The10months of community care and support intervention were implemented in PLWHAfamilies. A combination of qualitative and quantitative method was used to evaluatethe effect of the intervention after intervention.Results:1. After the intervention filing proportion of PLWHA and PLWHA familyreceived knowledge and education on AIDS were improved, but the difference wasnot statistically different; after intervention the proportion of “regularly outpatientfollow-up” increased by12.9%in PLWHA, the proportion of "never treated" reducedby11.1%, but the difference was not statistically significant; after intervention theproportion of "satisfactory" and "relatively satisfied" ratio increased by27.1%and"general" and "unsatisfactory" reduced by27.1%about AIDS medical services inPLWHA, and the difference of satisfaction was statistically significant; afterintervention the proportion of "satisfactory" and "relatively satisfied" ratio increasedby5.7%and "general" and "unsatisfactory" reduced by5.7%about the Governmentbailout in PLWHA, and the difference of satisfaction was statistically significant; after the intervention the proportion of PLWHA who could not continue to study orwork reduced by3.6%, the proportion of PLWHA who could continue to study orwork proportion increased by2.3%, but the difference of satisfaction was notstatistically significant, after intervention the proportion of PLWHA spouse who cannot continue to study or work reduced by12.9%, the proportion of PLWHA spousewho can continue to study or work proportion increased by20.1%, the difference ofsatisfaction was not statistically significant.2. After the intervention in addition to three questions about "Can AIDS becured in currently","Will people shared labor instruments with HIV-infected personsbe infected" and " Will people shared a pool bath with HIV-infected persons beinfected", the awareness of the rest of the problems increased, and the awareness on"Can the proper use of condoms reduce the risk of transmission of AIDS" wassignificantly different before and after the intervention. The answer accuracy on "Doyou think the neighbors and co-workers will continue to interact with you if theyknow that you are infected with HIV" was significantly different before and after theintervention.3. Before the intervention the scores of quality of life of PLWHA families lowerthan non-PLWHA Families in6aspects of the fields of physiological, psychological,social relations, environment and the overall quality of life and self-rating scores, andthe differences were statistically significant in6aspects; after the intervention thescores of quality of life of PLWHA families improved in6aspects of the fields ofphysiological, psychological, social relations, environment and the overall quality oflife and and self-rating scores, before and after the intervention of the rest of thedifferences are statistically significant. The difference of scores on "How do youevaluate the quality of your life" was statistically significant before and after theintervention in PLWHA families.4. The impact factors of the quality of life in PLWHA famiLies did not changeafter the intervention.Conclusion:1. In this study34PLWHA Families were intervented, the goal of expecting tocover30PLWHA families was reached. 2. After the intervention, the diagnosis and treatment of PLWHA improved; thesatisfaction of government bailout was significantly better, the intervention played agood role for PLWHA families understanding the social and governmental aid policy,taking the initiative to accept society and government bailout, promoting appropriateskills training and create jobs opportunity for PLWHA families received good effect.3. After the intervention the awareness of AIDS knowledge and attitudesaccuracy increased in PLWHA families and the awareness of some problemsimproved significantly, which indicated that the AIDS awareness and attitudesimproved largely by the home visits, care activities and condolences.4. After the intervention in all aspects of the quality of life of PLWHA familiesimproved in varying degrees, some fields of the quality of life improvedsignificantly.The community care and support interventions had a positive effect forimproving the quality of life of PLWHA families.5. This study can provided the reference and basis for the establishment of asuitable community care and support mode for PLWHA families in Nanchang.
Keywords/Search Tags:PLWHA families, Community care and support, Effect evaluation
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