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Research On User’s Adoption Intention Of Mobile Health Service Based On Privacy Calculus Theory

Posted on:2014-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330422451050Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mobile health is defined as the provision healthcare or health-related informationthrough mobile device. Along with the rapid development of Smartphone and mobileInternet, it exhibits enormous social and economic benefits, but the social cognitionleaves much to be desired. Academics try to improve the situation from a technicalperspective, but ignores the critical way to promote the service is research on users’adoption. Therefore, exploring users’ adoption from customers’ point has goodtheoretical and practical significance.Taking into account the dual identity of recipient and consumers, the study focuseson the trade-offs between perceived risk and perceived benefit based on the privacycalculus theory. We use privacy concern and personalization concern to measure benefitand risk the users perceived. Meanwhile, this study proposed trust as an intermediatevariable and discuss the influences between the trade-offs and adoption intentionthrough trust. In order to provide better service and seize a larger market, this sample setis divided into three sub-groups and explore the differences of adoption among eachsections.Based on questionnaire survey, the results of empirical analysis are thatwillingness to adopt is influenced by the results of trade-offs between risk and return,and personalization concern and privacy concerns have a significant impact. In addition,trust significantly affects the user’s adoption intention. On this basis, the relationshipsabove are verified to have significant differences between different age groups, i.e., thesignificant impact between personalized concern, privacy concern and trust are mostpronounced in the elderly, and trust in promoting the use of willingness among youngpeople is more prominent. Furthermore, the study also verified the mediating role oftrust, and find that trust fully mediated the relationship between personalized, privacyconcerns and adoption intention. Thus, in the aspect of practice guideline, in order toexpand the number of users, service providers should consider the age factor, establish acorporate reputation, and build user’s trust or others.
Keywords/Search Tags:mobile health, privacy calculated, trust, adoption intention
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