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Analysis Of Current Immunization Work Among Left-behind Children With Its Impact

Posted on:2013-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330401969057Subject:Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objectives To learn about the vaccination situation and its influence factors of left-behind children, further discussed that if patterns of parents work migrant would affect vaccination of left-behind children, which can provide scientific and effectively information for the relatively govern works.Methods Stratified and systematic random sampling method was adopted to select study objectives. The Taihe County was divided into5districts and then extracted one town from every district; three countries were extracted from every town according to different distance. All of the children and their guardian were surveyed in the study.Results In this investigation,5towns and15countries were surveyed. There were4age groups were set during2007to2010year,150children in one group and in total600. Half of the children were left-behind, and the other halves were not-left-behind children,341boys and259girls. All of the children had vaccination cards and certificates, and the coincidence rate was99.95%. Guardians of children were consists of parents and grandparents, most of the parents received junior middle school education.116fathers were received junior middle school education in132, and173mothers in231. Then is elementary school,11fathers and44mothers.237grandparents were surveyed and found that100of grandparents were illiteracy,82were elementary school, and49were junior middle school. The vaccination situation and five vaccine qualified status of the left-behind children in Taihe as follows:BCG (97.73%), the polio (95.82%), DPT (98.09%), hepatitis B (96.51%), meningitis1(93.02%), meningitis2(69.96%) containing hemp I (95.65%), Japanese encephalitis1(96.84%), diphtheria-breaking4(77.44%), containing hemp2(72.31%), hepatitis A (70.77%), Japanese encephalitis2(67.90%), ECM AC (31.33%), which qualified full for the traditional assessment indicators foundation of five vaccines coverage, and children left behind five vaccines full qualified coverage was72.7%. The vaccination situation and five vaccine qualified status of the not-left-behind children in Taihe as follows:BCG (98.67%), polio (98.45%), diphtheria, tetanus (98.82%), hepatitis B (99.60%), and meningitis (96.83%), ECM (74.39%), containing hemp1(98.33%), Japanese encephalitis1(98.92%), diphtheria-breaking4(85.00%), containing hemp2(77.78%), hepatitis A (83.89%), Japanese encephalitis2(80.54%), ECM AC (52.70%), of which89.3%coverage of the whole course of the children left behind five vaccines. By the statistical test, five vaccines full qualified coverage of the left-behind children and the non-left-behind was statistically significant, the five vaccines throughoutχ2=8.95, P <0.01.Statistical tests on the immunization programs vaccine single seedling, hepatitis B (P=0.020), hepatitis A (χ2=9.116, P=0.003), JE (χ2=6.433, ρ=0.011) and ECM AC (χ2=7.369, P=0.007) were difference in the vaccination rate. The other vaccine was no significant difference.Statistical analysis showed that there were many reasons of the Taihe County left-behind children omissions vaccination,12-month-old left-behind children and the non-left-behind children in the aspects of "nobody inform them and they don’t know when to be vaccinated","no free time to bring the child to inoculate","afraid of charges","the children of poor health delayed vaccination","fear of adverse reaction" and so on were significant difference, in terms of after18-month-old children were contrary.The left-behind children and non-left-behind children vaccination coverage of national immunization programs of Taihe County comparative analysis showed that strengthen the immunization rate is significantly lower than the first foundation immunization rates,and statistical tests of the vaccine were various, but children left and non-left-behind children in statistical testing is no different. In this study, the binary logistic regression analysis was used to analysis data, which the five vaccines eligibility vaccination as the dependent variable and related factors (left behind type, gender, number of carrying out, the guardian education level, household income, place of residence and the inoculation point distance, the guardian of the awareness level of the knowledge of immunization programs, vaccination appointment by notice) as the independent variable, the results showed that the children’s category, select the inoculation point, parents traveling with children the number of parents whether active master vaccinate children is the five vaccines qualified coverage rates affect. Vaccination in children’s category, select the inoculation points, the frequency of children is carried out by parents, whether parents were active master vaccinate of children, and so on, were the influencing factors of the five vaccines qualified vaccination coverage.Parents of children on knowledge, attitude and behavior of vaccination (KAP). Ways of parents get access to vaccination information:first was the inoculated doctors (75.33%), second was TV (49.83%), publicity columns was the third (32.67%), and28.5%for neighbors and relatives.Targeted infectious diseases, vaccine-preventable survey of knowledge, awareness three are hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis vaccine, and after three MMR, leprosy, and A+C meningitis vaccine, ranked on the list new vaccine into immunization programs, and the high awareness encephalitis vaccine is the traditional one of the five vaccines for hepatitis B and concern to the masses. In the vaccination attitude, the left-behind guardian’performance are basically the same as non-left-behind, the former guardian performance mainly out of the so-called "blind obedience", and the latter guardian more rational. Migrant parents had regularly influence on the vaccinations of left-behind children: Parents went out with a certain regularity, the father was out before the mother, the parents go out were the largest number; The vaccination influence on left-behind children of mother went out alone was higher than the father and both out; and mainly effect the immunization programs vaccine after6months of age.Conclusion National immunization programs vaccination rates within the12-month-old left-behind children and non-left-behind was higher, but18months and after was generally less than the national vaccination indicators. The factors affected the left-behind children immunization programs vaccine was also affect the non left behind children. The basis vaccination rates of the survey children were significantly higher than the strengthening immunization rates. The KAP survey of Children’ guardian reflected the current vaccination propaganda work was not deep enough; awareness of the masses overall EPI knowledge was low, proactive vaccination rate was low, too. The village doctor as the main force of the appointments for vaccinations and dissemination of knowledge of immunization programs did not play its due role. Parents work migrant mainly affected the vaccination of left-behind children after6months of age.
Keywords/Search Tags:left-behind children, vaccination, impact factors
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