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The Clinic Analysis Of Atopical Children With EB Virus Infection

Posted on:2014-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M LiFull Text:PDF
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Objective: To abserve the clinical symptoms,spectrum of diseases,and the change ofblood routine test, erythrocyte sedimentation rete, cellular immunity,liver function,myocardial enzymes,etc,of the atopical children with EB virus infection,and to investigatetheir significance in the pathogenesis of the EB virus infection, to improve early diagnosislevel. Methods: During the March2011to September2012,a total136atopical childrenwith EB virus infection were consecutively registered in the Fifth Affiliated Hospital ofXinjiang Medical University as abservation group,analysed their epidemiologicalcharacteristics,clinical symptoms,spectrum of diseases, laboratory tests,therapy andprognosis;took148children who took healthy check in the section for outpatients ascontrol group.The clinical data was compared and analysed between the groups.Results:The EB virus infection can occur althrouth the year, The highest incidence ofcases occurs during the winter and spring months. EBV infection of male is more than thefemale,the male to female ratio is2.02:1. The clinical manifestations: fever116cases(85.3%), angina66cases(48.5%), lymphadenectasis cases58(42.6%), cough93cases(68.4%), headchice3cases (2.2%), hepatomegaly,splenomegaly15case (11%), moistcrackles and wheezes81(59.6%),edema7cases(7.1%),etc. Laboratory tests showed:leukocyte highest:48×10~9/L, leukocyte lowest:0.7×10~9/L, average value:(23.0±10.4)×10~9/L;~4×10~9/L was11cases,~10×10~9/L was49cases,~20×10~9/L was65cases,≥20×10~9/L was11cases among them. The average value of theglutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase,glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, lactatedehydrogenase, ck-mb, hydroxybutyric acid is higer than the that of controlgroup(P<0.05);but no significant difference was shown between the two groups in theaverage value of total bilirubin,indirect bilirubin, direct bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase(P>0.05). The average level of CD4+is higher than the control group, but no significant difference was shown between the two groups in the average level of CD3+、CD8+、CD4+/CD8+.Definite diagnosis:48cases of acute upper respiratory tract infection(35.3%),8cases of acute laryngitis(5.9%),acute bronchial inflammation or pneumonia in38cases (27.9%),lymphadenitis,15cases (11.0%), viral myocarditis,12cases(8.8%),anaphylactoid purpura,10cases (7.4%),nephrotic syndrome,5cases (3.7%),All thepatients were clinically cured and discharged after antivirus and symptomatic treatment.Conclusion: The EB virus infection can occur althrouth the year, The highest incidence ofcases occurs during the winter and spring months. EBV infection of male is more than thefemale, Common in infants and preschool. The symptoms of childrenwith EB virusinfection are diverse, multiple system of the body can be affected, but respiratoryinfectionwas themostcommon.The EBV infection can cause Liver function, myocardialenzyme damage,and also can lead to the children’s Cell immune disorder,so besidesantivirus treatment,regulation of the immune is aiso important.The prognosis of EB virusinfection is usually well.
Keywords/Search Tags:epstein-barr viru, infection, Atypical, clinical analysis, children
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