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A Research To The Collective Well-known Doctors In Huangzhou City In Ming And Qing Dynasties

Posted on:2014-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330398988574Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The region of Huangzhou is rich in natual resources, which contains rivers high mountains and forests, rich products,such as medical.There is no doubt that all those do good to foster a large nuber of famous doctors.Huangzhou is located in strategic place closed to the capital of Hubei province.And Jing King is distributed to Huangzhou,which is only less important to the Wuchang,attract doctors to take up residence. Huangzhou has a huge nuber of population and is prosperous,where peole can afford the high medical fee.Huangzhou is famous for his outstanding education, especially after the Song Dynasty. So, doctors have a high level of education and lay cultural foundation to be first-class doctors.However. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huangzhou has experienced earthquakes, drought wars and other disasters frequelyThere were few prestigious doctors before Song dynasty in Huangzhou. Yet, as the most outstanding one of the "four famous doctors in east Hubei province", Anshi Pang of the Northern Song dynasty made great contributions to Huangzhou medicine. Through the efforts of the doctors in both Song and Yuan dynasty, Huangzhou medicine gained rich knowledge accumulation as well as a good tradition, which had laid a solid foundation for the development of medicine in the later Ming and Qing dynasty. There emerged more than four hundred famous doctors including Shizhen Li and Quan Wan in Ming and Qing dynasty in this area. The doctors in Huangzhou became superior in quality compared both with the earlier dynasties and the other areas of Hubei province. The number of medical books of Huanzhou in Ming and Qing dynasty was more than one hundred, a number much larger than the other districts of its area, including Compendium of Materia Medica, a cannon of medicine that is of great importance.Other than the objective factors that lead to the emergence of famous doctors, there has to be some subjective ones. Those who became famous doctors are all active in medical practices. In the mean time, they also accumulated their prestige through such activities as communications with other elites, practicing moralities and participation in local affairs. Further more, they actively got involved with cultural activities including the compiling of medicine cannons and collected works of literature, something that endowed them with more sense of Taoism and Confucianism and got them away from the role of being supplementary. This is also a process for them to expand their social circles and gain their own reputation. People from both the medical circles and other fields publicized Huangzhou medicine in different ways and from different perspectives. The authoritative medical scientists have affirmative attitudes towards Huangzhou medicine. Specifically, the evaluations of Shizhen Li, Quan Wan and Jitai Yang added much weight to their medicine. Their relatives and friends together with the successors devoted sedulously in the advocation of their medicine and the exploration of medical science. They also thought that the famous doctors in Huangzhou had the similar refined manners with the Confucians. The main ways for the authority to propaganda the famous doctors are authoritative awards and biography. Shizhen Li, Quan Wan and some other doctors all had ever been rewarded officially.There were many factors to push forward the abundance of famous doctors in Huangzhou during Ming and Qing dynasties, for example, firm foundation, rich resources, economic development, immigration wave, medicine communication and social interactivity. Compared with Wuzhong medicine and Xin’an medicine, Huangzhou medicine had a low reputation and limited medical contributions. It hadn’t formed a steady group due to the lack of internal interactivity and it was in the need of professionalism due to the lack of specialization. However, famouse doctors in Huangzhou played an important role in relieving common people’s pain and exterminating diseases, exhibiting great significance as reginal famous doctors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming and Qing dynasties, Huangzhou, well-known doctors, image-buildingntly
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