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The Biological Characteristics Of CD133+CXCR4+Colorectal Tumor Cells And Effect Of CD133+CXCR4+Colorectal Tumor Cells On The Hepatic Metastasis Of Colorectal Cancer

Posted on:2014-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective To observe the expression of CD133, CXCR4in the colorectal cancer andits metastatic liver cancer tissues.To investigate the proportion of theCD133+CXCR4+cells in colorectal cancer tissues and HCT116cell line. Toinvestigate the biological characteristics of CD133+CXCR4+colorectal tumorcells.Methods The expression of CD133, CXCR4in the colorectal cancer and itsmetastatic liver cancer tissues were analyzed by using immunohistochemicaltechnique. The proportion of CD133+cells,CXCR4+cells and CD133+CXCR4+cells in colorectal cancer tissues and HCT116cell line were investigated by usingFACSAria flow cytometry.We subsequently sorted the HCT116human colorectalcancer cells into CD133+cells and CD133-cells also by using FACSAria flowcytometry. We detected the proportion of the CXCR4+cells in the two types ofcells,then we use them to carry out the cells sphere experiment.After that,we sortedthe HCT116cell lines into CD133+CXCR4+cells,CD133+CXCR4-cells,CD133-CXCR4+cells,CD133-CXCR4-cells.Finally we implemented the MTTexperiment, clone formation assay, the migration and invasion experiment by usingthese four phenotypes of cells in vitro.Results (1)The immunohistochemistryshowed that positive expression rate of CXCR4in metastatic liver cancer tissues washigher than that of the primary tumor tissue(P=0.032)(.2)Flow cytometry showed theproportion of CD133+CXCR4+cells were higher in metastatic liver cancer tissuesthan that in primary tumor tissues and the carcinoma tissues(P<0.001,P=0.014).(3)Flow cytometry showed the proportion of CXCR4+cells was higher in CD133+cells than in CD133-cells which were sorted from the HCT116human colorectalcancer cells(P<0.001).The lower cell concentration of CD133+cells could grow into cell sphere than CD133-cells(P=0.01),and they also need shorter time(P=0.002).(4)MTT method and Clone formation assay showed that CD133+cells havestronger resistant ability and proliferative ability compared with CD133-cells(P<0.001,P<0.001).Migration and invasion assay showed that CD133+CXCR4+cellshad the strongest ability of migration and invasion compared with the otherphenotypes of cells.Conclusion (1)The positive expression rate of CXCR4inmetastatic liver cancer tissues was higher than that of the primary colorectal cancertissue.(2)The proportion of CD133+CXCR4+cells were higher in metastatic livercancer tissues than that in primary colorectal cancer tissues and the carcinoma tissues.(3)The proportion of CXCR4+cells was higher in CD133+colorectal cancer cellsthan in CD133-colorectal cancer cells. CD133+colorectal cancer cells had thebiological characteristics cancer stem cells.(4)The growth inhibitory effect of5-Fuon CD133+CXCR4+cells was weak,and CD133+CXCR4+cells had the strongability of formations formation,migration and invasion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Colorectal cancer, CD133, CXCR4, Liver metastasis
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