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The Research Of Outpatient And Emergency Department Business Process Optimization And Reorganization Model

Posted on:2014-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330392467052Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hospital outpatient and emergency hospital medical forefront, is the first line ofhospital life-saving mission, business process management and layout of the emergencydoor is reasonable, outpatient and emergency patient treatment whether the businessprocess specification, the level of medical care and services are in place, directly related tothe life safety of patients, but also the medical quality management level, the overallimage of the comprehensive strength, and many other concentrated reflection. Surveyfound that hospital outpatient and emergency services responsible for80%ofhospital-wide rescue work in recent years, emergency out of the bus, emergency rescue,infusion volume increased year by year, while health care workers and the relative lack ofoutpatient and emergency department in a timely manner to adjust for the full completion of the emergency work environmental structure, enhanced health care human resources,optimize the first-aid process. However, the hospital outpatient and emergency operationmode Disease Division, the defects of this model is that patients can only passively adaptto the hospital business requirements.In order to overcome this passive, closed service model, many scholars to customerrelationship management applications to the emergency door business processmanagement, proposed the establishment of the general pretreatment out-patient andpatient reception center out-patient process improvement programs to promote theNational Health Service hospital the system is efficient and convenient. To carry out theemergency process optimization is a hospital-cultural change process, so that in the past toallow the patient to adapt to the hospital to truly reflect the changes in the humanistic careof patients. Business process reengineering (BPR) for enterprise management, structuraland institutional change, learn from the advanced management ideas in the BPR study andimprove the hospital outpatient and emergency department workflow systems, andhospital outpatient and emergency department process management and control on thisbasis, can contribute to the emergency door real-time monitoring of the quality of medicalcare, increase hospital outpatient and emergency health care quality.This study to optimize and reorganize business(organization) processes based on theemergency door of the BPR Theory is in the external examination environment to fullydraw on the Business Process Reengineering management mode, standing in the hospital,whether it is reasonable to meet the satisfaction of the treatment the patient starting toexamine the operation of the hospital, redesign business processes of the reorganization ofthe hospital emergency door. Respect and learn from other industries in the operatingprocess reengineering system research at the same time, reorganization of thinking basedon business process optimization, the use of scientific, systematic, and re-integration oftheoretical support in the continuous quality improvement methods and relatedtechnologies, the hospital door emergency processes to optimize and reorganize thecontents of the system. Through the analysis of the status of hospital outpatient andemergency processes, outlined the basic framework of the hospital outpatient and emergency department process reengineering and implementation of programs, a key linkin clear hospital emergency process, the key quality control points and the main reasonaffecting the quality of emergency medical. Establish the overall program objectives of thehospital outpatient and emergency department process reengineering, patient-centered,outpatient and emergency department visits full time is shorter, more standardized clinicbehavior, more efficient, the ultimate goal. Establish outpatient and emergency medicalcontinuous quality improvement. Proposed set of evaluation indicators of the quality ofoutpatient and emergency medical system and technology, to strengthen the hospital’soverall competitiveness of the theory, methods, basis.View of the systemic and complexity of the activities of hospital outpatient services,the diversity of treatment to patients involved in management, informatics, medicine andother areas of the span, the hospital’s unique industry characteristics, and research capacityand energy constraints, aspects of the research door emergency business processoptimization restructuring research theory, methods and supporting technologies, theoptimization design of the emergency door business process management, businessprocess reengineering model of outpatient and emergency establishment andimplementation of technologies routes setting, conclusions and Outlook the depth toexplore and reveal the establishment of emergency medical quality real-time control mode,and laid the foundation for the deepening health care quality real-time control research andapplication, but less is poor empirical choice of indicators and scope of the study wasnarrow, the universality of analysis of insufficient and need to be constantly in-depthimprovement in future work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Outpatient, emergency, Business process optimization, Business processreengineering(BPR), Pattern
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