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Regulatory Effects Of Several Growth Regulators On Grape Shoot And Fruit Colouirng

Posted on:2014-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D FuFull Text:PDF
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Regulatory effect of three plant growth regulators ABA、prohexadione calcium andNankai regulator on grape shoot and storage nutrition were studied in different areas, also, westudied the effect of ABA on fruit quality of Cabernet Sauvignon. The target is to simplyproduction management, reduce labor cost, control shoot growth and improve fruit quality.Which provides value reference to instruct production. The results are as follow:1. Nankai regulator had the best inhibitory effect on shoot growth, ABA andprohexadione calcium had similar effect.(1)Nankai regulator significantly inhibited axillary shoots growth of upper shoot inSummer Black (table grape). The weight、total length and node number of axillary shootsabove14th node decreased by49.56%、56.94%、18.59%,the average length and width ofinternode decreased by51.39%and40.65%, and internodes length of axillary shoots below14th decreas by17.38%; ABA and prohexadione calcium treatment decreased the axillaryshoots weight above14th node by6.19%、11.95%, respectively, while total length, nodenumber, and internode length were all increased, the internodes length of axillary shootsbelow14th were decreased by11.33%and5.37%, respectively, while the internodes width ofaxillary shoots below14th were little changed.(2)In Cabernet Sauvignon, Three kind of GRPs all inhibited growth of axillary shootsand main shoots, reduced length of internode. The inhibition effect on axillary shoots wasstronger than main shoots, and the effect increased with concentration increasing. Nankairegulator had the best inhibition effect,0.5ml/l Nankai regulator treatment made total lengthof axillary shoots, axillary shoot number, length of internode and width of internodedecreased by65.87%,37.74%,35.09%and39.78%, respectively; Followed by0.5g/l ABAtreatment, which made the total length、node number、shoot number、shoot weight、internodelength and width of axillary shoot decreased by32.21%、12.14%、24.53%、38.32%、3.51%and15.53%, respectively; prohexadione calcium had the worst inhibition effect,2g/lprohexadione calcium treatment made total length、shoot weight and internode length ofaxillary shoots decreased by15.53%、8.38%and3.51%, respectively.0.25g/l ABA had the best inhibition effect on main shoots length, which made average internode length decreasedby31.44%;0.5ml/l Nankai regulator had the best inhibition effect on main shoot width,which made internode width decreased by17.15%, while0.5g/l ABA had the worst inhibitioneffect on internode width, which made internode width only decreased by1.9%,othertreatment made shoots width decreased by6.35~7.81%。(3)Twice application of Nankai regulator inhibited shoot growth of precocious Kyoho,inhibitory effect on axillary shoots were greater than main shoots, and showed distinctiveconcentration effect.0.5ml/l Nankai regulator made the length, weight, node number,internode length and width decreased by41.84%,54.90%,36.22%,32.77%and19.28%,respectively.0.25ml/l and0.5ml/l Nankai regulator made the length of main shoot decreasedby5.5%and2.4%, respectively, and mainly showed in the16th and18th node,while therewere no remarkable changes from the4th to14th node. Which indicated Nankai regulator hadgreater inhibition effect on upper shoots.2.When Cabernet Sauvignon80%veraison, ABA and ABA plus amino acid calciumtreatment significantly improved fruits’ quality of for two consecutive years, and600mg/lABA had the best effect.300mg/l ABA plus amino acid calcium has the similar effect, whichindicated adding amino acid calcium could improve the effect. Each treatment madeanthocyanin, soluble solid and100-fruit weight increased by14.0~35%,5.8~7.9%and27.4%~56.54%during the mature period, respectively. Amino acid calcium sprayed aloneincreased soluble solid and anthocyanin to a certain degree, but had no impact onanthocyanin.Nankai regulator treatment significantly increased fruit weight,0.25ml/l and0.5ml/lNankai regulator made panicle weight increased by17.21%and34.44%, respectively, andmade sugar increased by1.87%~3.26%, but had no effect on anthocyanin.3. PGRs had a certain influnce on branch storage nutrition.ABA、prohexadione calcium and Nankai regulator all increased leaf bound water/freewater of Summer black、precocious Kyoho、Cabernet Sauvignon and Xiongyue bai, and74.27%for the most. The three GRPs treatment all reduced starch content of Summer blackand precocious Kyoho, but there were no difference in the three GRPs. The three GRPstreatment made free amino acid content of Summer black increased, while made free aminoacid content of Cabernet Sauvignon and precocious Kyoho decreased. Nankai regulator inlow concentration increased soluble sugar content in cane. During Cabernet Sauvignon veraising stage, low concentration of ABA and amino acidcalcium treatment increased branch soluble sugar content. ABA treatment increased boundwater/free water, but had little influence on Starch and free amino acid content. Branchstorage nutrition and bound water/free water of fruit picked early were more than that of fruitpicked late.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grape, Growth regulator, Shoot growth, Fruit quality, Storage nutrition
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