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Monitoring And Analysis Of The Major Diseases Immunity Level On A Pig Farm Of East China

Posted on:2014-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y HuangFull Text:PDF
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My paper mainly applies with IDEXX ELISA kits for detection ofantigen and antibodies against swine fever virus, porcine reproductiveand respiratory syndrome virus, porcine pseudorabies virus. Using219sera collected from a pig farm of East China with5kinds of IDEXXELISA kits, then analysis its immune level with detected data.1) Detected results of antigen and antibody against three infectiousdiseasesThe results of antigen and antibodies against three infectiousdiseases above display that the total positive rate of swine fever antibodylevel is74.43%; swine fever wild virus is2.28%; porcine pseudorabiesantibody level is70.78%; porcine pseudorabies wild virus infection is0.91%; porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus antibodylevel is84.93%. The results show that the best vaccine immune effect isporcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, classical swine feverantibody is moderate, porcine pseudorabies is the lowest.2) Detected results of antigen and antibody against three infectious diseases in different ages of healthy pigsFor15-week-old healthy pigs, detected positive rate of antibodyagainst porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, swine fevervirus and porcine pseudorabies virus are96.67%,58.33%and41.67%.Also existing infection of porcine pseudorabies wild virus and its positiverate is1.67%.For33-week-old healthy pigs, detected positive rate of antibodyagainst porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, porcinepseudorabies virus and swine fever virus are91.67%,86.67%and83.33%. Also existing contagion of swine fever wild virus and its positiverate is1.67%.For Lactating sows, detected positive rate of antibody against swinefever virus, porcine pseudorabies virus and porcine reproductive andrespiratory syndrome virus are85.88%,80.00%and74.12%. Onlyexisting contagion of swine fever wild virus and its positive rate is4.71%.The results display the level of antibody against porcinereproductive and respiratory syndrome is lowest in lactating sows; thelevel of antibody against swine fever virus and porcine pseudorabies virusare lowest to70%in15-week-old pigs. All above data indicate theimmune level of antibodies in three infectious diseases of pigs in the farmis uneven and has a larger range, also have existed different degrees ofwild virus infection in different ages of pigs. The fluctuations of antibody level should have certain relationship with immune procedures, so theimmunization programs need to be adjusted.In view of the antibody levels are generally low and existinginfection of wild virus in15-week-old pig, we believe that seizing theimmunity of15-week-old pigs is the key of epidemic prevention in theentire group. From January2013, we modify the immune program in15-week-old pigs by adding one extra immunization in8-week-old, then doabove detections with60collected sera. The results are: the positive rateof antibody against swine fever virus is95%and its infection of wildvirus is0%; the porcine pseudorabies virus is90%and its infection ofwild virus is0%, but has one suspicious; the porcine reproductive andrespiratory syndrome virus is93.33%.
Keywords/Search Tags:swine fever, porcine pseudorabies, porcine reproductiveand respiratory syndrome, antibody detection, analysis
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