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Compositions Content Of Five Tree Species’VOCs

Posted on:2012-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L C GuoFull Text:PDF
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In the paper,we analyzed the composition of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) with dynamic headspace collection and TCT-GC/MS. The relative contents of Five Main Tree Species’ VOCs were measured. The results were as follows:1.Quercus aculissima release33kinds of volatile organic compounds. Changes invarious types of compounds is small. It is mainly aldehydes compounds, accounted for the VOCs total quantity’s33.51%. The aldehyde compounds are mainly3,5-Dibutyl-hydroxybenzaldehyde.2. Liquidambar formosana release a total of26species of volatile organic compounds, including compounds in vinyl compounds accounted for the VOCs total quantity’s89.31%. The vinyl compounds are mainly Limonene、α-Pinene and (3-pinene. Ketone and hydrocarbon heterocyclic compounds are the second.3. Cedrus deodar a can release a total of37volatile organic compounds in vinyls, accounting for the VOCs total quantity’s91.6%. The vinyl compounds are mainly α-Pinene、β-Pinene、β-Myrcene and β-Phellandrene.4. Ligustrum lucidum release40volatile organic compounds. The aldehyde compounds are the highest concentration which are mainly3,5-Dibutyl-hydroxybenzaldehyde、 Benzaldehyde and Hexanal, accounted for the VOCs total quantity’s39.58%. The vinyl compounds which are mainly a-Pinene are the second, accounted for the VOCs total quantity’s20.4%.5. Osmanthus fragrans have47volatile organic compounds released. The ether compounds are the highest concentration which are mainly1-Octyn--ol,acetate、Ethyl acetate and Butanoic acid,butylester. It is a difference of less in aldehyde and vinyl compounds, accounted for the VOCs total quantity’s25.98%and21.21%respectively. The compounds of other types are lower.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nanjing Zijin Mountain, 5Tree Species, Volatile Organic Compounds, Composition, Relative Contents
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