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Research And Application Of Integrated Design Of Hunan Yuanling Scenic Spot In Lantau Peak Guide System

Posted on:2015-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330428972296Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the urbanization recent years in China, massive tourist areas have been taken into construction. The exploitation of tourism areas not only has brought opportunities to city also challenges as well. In designing those natural scenic areas visual designers have taken the leading roles despite landscape designers.This thesis mainly focuses on the strategies that blend innovation, standardized, semiotics, color, region culture elements together and taken natural environment as background, hence helped in designing a comprehensive system with which one can use to guide design through integration and innovation on technology with humanity means, regional culture, under thus guide lines, this thesis will conclude with a set of visualized oriented design of Lantau Peak Yuanling also providing designs of Yuanling and other scenic areas with theoretic basis.The first chapter is an overall introduction on background and the significance of research on visualized oriented designing method under given situation also making a general exposition on research methodology at home and abroad.The second chapter conducted analysis on concept and category of the natural scenic area design followed by a study into the application status at home and abroad of existing designs on natural scenic spot.proposes the use of scenic area should suit one’s measures to local conditions of spatial factors and effect on combination of visual recognition. The third chapter studies the systematic method of designing natural scenic area, it conducts analysis into elements and design principles as well. The system puts forward innovation on both ideas and principles in designing Yuanling Lantau Peak scenic, finding out existing problems and offering with reasonable and feasible solutions.The fourth chapter analyzes the idea of scenic designing, provided with new idea on redesigning the Yuanling Lantau Peak scenic spot based on visualized oriented theory.The fifth chapter gives an outlook of Yuanling Lantau Peak scenic area designed out of visual sign system in the future. Foreshadow the construction of the city identity system and visual guide system of Yuanling in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuanling, Phoenix Mountains, guide
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