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Utilization And Management Of Riverside City Town Waterfront Development

Posted on:2015-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330428476482Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Water is an important carrier of a city, and urban development are inseparable. With the continuous development of social economy, urban functional structure also will shift. Past waterfront city shoreline is mainly based on the use of industrial development, and now gradually changed to commercial, residential, parks, green spaces, etc. based diversified structure as a representative area of the city image and urban characteristics. Riverside coastline is an important public space of the city, shoreline development, utilization and management is directly related to people’s daily life and social life. But in reality, riverside city shoreline occupied by residents of the city public space, disorderly exploitation, unauthorized construction unlawful appropriation, destruction of land resources and ecological phenomena abound. Therefore, Riverside city urban shoreline management should become an important area of the city. How to regulate urban riverside city shoreline urban planning and construction management, science and use of public space resources, protect the legitimate interests of the public, to improve the urban living environment, an important issue is an urgent need for research.Leshan city riverside quay paper selected for the study, Leshan City waterfront shoreline development on the site visits, from the perspective of public administration in order to return to waterfront public life and improve the quality of urban living and shoreline development and utilization reasonable return for focus point analysis of the current Leshan city Riverside shoreline development and management deficiencies of the current situation, explore ways to improve, enhance the value of the shoreline of the city of Riverside. In the specific research methods, through field investigation of Leshan city waterfront shoreline development and utilization of in-depth analysis, research and analysis through literature, practical case studies and comparative analysis on the development of coastal management, riparian cities and other methods are summarized proposed Riverside city urban shoreline development and management of public space issues, principles and countermeasures. Actively promote the comprehensive development and utilization and management of shoreline, combined with theoretical knowledge from multiple disciplines to enrich the theoretical basis for the development and utilization and management of the city of Riverside, which actively guide the rational exploitation and management of urban waterfront shoreline, for the construction of urban waterfront to make the greatest contribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban Waterfront, coastlines of the river, Exploitation and DevelopmentPublic Management
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