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The Applied Research Of Interaction Design In Industrial Design

Posted on:2015-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330428473356Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After two times industrial revolution and three times scientific and technicalrevolution, our society has gradually been entering the mobile Internet era. Intelligentterminal comes into people’s life and affects all aspects of it. However, quite a numberof intelligent terminals stop users from using them because of the complicatedoperation method. And the traditional industrial design methods emphasize thedialectical relationship of form and function. It is very difficult to solve the"difficulty" of intelligent terminal products today which emphasizes the usability anduser experience.The main content of this article: the first chapter elaborates the researchbackground, from the angle of interaction design which helps to improve userexperience of product, and summarizes the current development of interaction designat home and abroad. The second chapter, through introducing the basic concepts andanalyzing its present application situation in the industrial design, this article considerthat interactive product design has two goals: high availability and good userexperience. In addition, there are two relationships: high availability is the foundationof a good user experience. The third chapter, state the user goals drive and userinteraction behavior driven design method, and the important methods for interactiondesign based on cognitive psychology and emotional experience. This chapter takesthe interactive product design steps and methods as the foothold. The fourth chapter,focusing on the interaction design expression of intelligent terminal, this chapterstates the present situation and characteristics of the interaction design from twoaspects of appearance and software. Through analyzing design cases, discuss methodsand effective ways of intelligent terminal design. The fifth chapter summarizes theconcept that modern industrial design need interaction design. Finally, thedevelopment direction of interaction design in the future is prospected.Application research of interaction design in industrial design, helps designpersonnel to find the real needs of users, design the real products that meet the userbehavior, improve product user experience. Interaction design concept will becomeanother new guideline for industrial designers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interaction design, industrial design, cognitive psychology, emotionalexperience
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