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Research Of Architectural Skins Renovation For Commercial District Renewal Project In Hankou Old Town

Posted on:2014-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422960549Subject:Architecture and civil engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis focuses on architectural skins renovation issues of the urbancommercial district; the research object is business streets of Hankou old town. In thisinformation era, there is one theoretic trend regarding architecture design as a kind ofinteractive exchange process of social information, within which are joined and largely contributed by architects therefore comes out the actual product of this process: thedesign and/or the construction of real architecture. Continuous information generatingand updating will be finally reflected on the building in a materialization form, in factarchitects’ participation have been proved not necessary in this type of circumstances,or every circumstance will be a fair and equate information exchange process.The author compares two conflicted concerns between ‘old town historical districtcontext information extension’ and ‘commercial society information blasting’ and leadsto following discussion: Firstly, what’s the propelling factors for the updating ofarchitectural skins in the old town commercial district renovation and how to structure it?Secondly, how to define the public acknowledgement for these factors? How couldthese types of influential information be analyzed and used by architects effectively?In this thesis we choose the Jianghan Road Business Street (JRBS) of Hankou oldtown commercial district as the object of study. Here is the structure. First let begin withthe developing history of Jianghan Road Business Street (JRBS), started from the ‘LifeCycle’,‘Living Standard’ and ‘Surviving Style’ of human being in different historicalstages, to completely comprehend the context in this urban region, to analyze andconclude from featured ‘commercial activities’ and the types of ‘substance space’constructed by buildings and city spaces as containers holding these ‘commercialactivities’ to have a better understanding of the evolution chronicles. At same timeanalysis based on sufficient statistics of existing buildings and business environmentswill help to decide the impact to the architectural skins renovation by relevant businesspatterns. Then we will extract and summarize into some certain types from these‘commercial activities’ and ‘substance spaces’ to build influential factors and designand carry out surveys and interviews. Finally the data of surveys and interviews will beanalyzed and processed to provide detailed advice according to specified professionalbackgrounds.This essay will focus on how to reasonably and rationally execute the architecturalskins renovation under business context during information era. At the end it brings outthree further following-up advices:1) Architectural skins renovation under business context during information era,will also need the participators to judge via information communication vision. Neither simply go for maximize commercial information nor exclusively focus on thereservation of historical information of the buildings will do the right thing. How tobalance these two is the key to extend urban context, which is, properly use of thehistorical buildings.2)Build a multi-sides, equal information exchange method, emphasize the equaldialogue relationship between authors and readers. Try to understand the real feelingsand needs from the owners/tenants through architectural planning at the beginningstage.3)Architects should persistently play a role during the process of the commercialrenovation continuing changing, the business information continuing altering and thearchitectural skins continuing renovating.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hankou old town, business district, architectural skins, renovation
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