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Research On Power Load Distribution And Early-Warning For Power Coal Storage And Supply Margin

Posted on:2014-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422463337Subject:Systems Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Electric power is a key resource in modern society, it’s essential in agriculturaland industrial production, daily life and national defense. The power supply is not only abasic infrastructure for national economic development but also a requirement for thescientific affairs. We need a steady and sustained power supply for further economicdevelopment. Coal-based thermal power plants product more than70percent of electricpower in nowaday China. The storage of coal affects the safety of electric powerproduction directly, and has practical meaning in research the power coal storage. Thestorage amount is related to consumption and supply, and has linear relation with theamount of electric power production in macroscopic view. It is related to the loaddistribution.This thesis focused on the safety of power grid. Based on the current demand ofthe Electric Power Dispatching and Communication Center of Henan Province in the“Early-warning system for power coal storage and supply margin of Henan province”,modeling focused on safety of power grid for the load dispatching problem of a singlepower plant, and for whole Henan province. The work on these models solved theprovince-wide load dispatching problem, realized the full load dispatching sub-system andpart of early-warning sub system in “Early-warning system for power coal storage andsupply margin of Henan province” functional.“Early-warning system for power coal storage and supply margin of Henanprovince” has passed the tests in Hubei Software Testing Center.
Keywords/Search Tags:power system, early-warning system, load distribution, safety
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