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Research On Construction Schedule-cost Contextual Information Model Based On BIM

Posted on:2014-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422451051Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the gradually deepened urbanisation, the construction industry of China hasbeen developing at full speed, bringing about tons of more functional and complicatedcomplexes. However, due to the rich variety and huge quantity of constructioninformation in construction projects, the information exchange efficiency amongstconstruction corps is quite poor. Meanwhile, another factor of information island toconsider is that each party processes the information and stores it on their own systems,which may be totally different from those of others. At the construction site, thereal-time construction information of labour resources, materaial resources as well asequipment resources relating to certain building elements is always changing, andtherefore is extremely difficult to be associated and cooperated with that in the BIMmodels. Schedule plan and cost control are critical to a project, but it may be hard toillustrate the construction schedule-cost information referring to building components,letting alone creating intermediate documents in standardized format to facilitate thecommunication between building corps.Based on such background, this study focuses on the expression and sharing ofschedule and cost information and puts forward a construction schedule-cost contextualinformation model via applying the IFC standard. It aims to better the entity definitionand engineering attribute extension for building elements. Further, obtaining theconstruction sequence, schedule, quantities and cost information by invoking theattribute information on the building conponents is also expected. Specifically, thisarticle analyses the context information on-site, defines the strict sequence, concurrencyrelation, preference relaition and recurrence relation between elements and theirsurroundings, and establishes four logical relationship information models.Subsequently, construction schedule information model has been developed accordingto the time element. The association between above models has also been demonstratedthrough case analysis. On a basis of schedule information model, the quantity and costinformation for the labour, material and equipment resources have been calculated,resulting in construction cost information models for them. Besides, a solution tochanging information on the site has been proposed via context awareness andsimilarity measurement.Conclusively, this model has been employed in the underground cosntrucition of ahousing case study, and the new entity definition, property set extension and descriptionof construction schedule-cost information has been verified. Further, the limitations aswell as instructions for further research are given.
Keywords/Search Tags:BIM, IFC standard, construction schedule-cost, contextual informationmodel
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