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Waterfront Landscape Design Research Based On Regional Culture

Posted on:2014-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330401989128Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since last century, the world in large-scale population, capital, informationflows driven into the development model of globalisation. Globalization in a singleworld civilization gradually break down the borders, the differences of socialsystem, traditional culture and diversity, regional culture is on the brink ofannihilation. China’s native culture is facing unprecedented crisis, can retain itsgeographical features in the development of city, has received the unprecedentedchallenge. This kind of cultural crisis also strongly impact to urban waterfrontlandscape design.Waterfront in city history is often the origins of the urban development, thereis a concentration of city culture, business activities, it is usually recorded traces ofthe city’s culture and history. In the face of the impact of globalization, some of thecity waterfront blind pursuit of "modernization" and "internationalization", thereappeared a batch of a lack of local characteristics and local characteristics ofwaterfront.The lack of regional cultural features make the urban waterfront has lost thelasting vitality. Only the waterfront landscape design combined with the regionalculture, to create a harmonious and sustainable development of urban waterfront. Inthe waterfront development process, to protect historical building, humanitieslandscape, heritage of the city history and culture, increase the waterfront cultureconnotation, makes the waterfront of transformation not only retains the originalhistorical background, form the city’s own characteristics, have a need to adapt it tothe new environment, play a new vitality and efficiency. So study the expression ofregional culture in urban waterfront landscape is very meaningful.Intention in this paper, from the "regional culture", grasp analysis urbanwaterfront and the interdependent relationship between the regional culture,summarizes the modern urban waterfront landscape in expression, the problems ofregional culture and combining with related theory and practice research ofwaterfront landscape expression carrier of regional culture form, analysis of urbanwaterfront expression principles and methods of regional culture, trying to find outthe feasibility scheme to solve the problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional culture, Urban waterfront, The landscape design
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