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The Ecological Value Of Yidao Faith

Posted on:2015-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330425988237Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the process of human sustainable development, the ecologic crisis has become an urgent problem all over the world. With the publication of "Silent Spring"written by American ecologist Rachel Carson in the1960s and "The Limits to Growth"issued by the Club of Rome in the1970s, the ecologic crisis has received peoples universal attention ever since. Although many experts and scholars in different sectors of the society have come out many constructive suggestions and development countermeasures, the situation of ecological environment is still grim. In this situation, Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens, two famous contemporary sociologists, put forward the risk society theory which describes that grim situation. Current researches show that the reason why the ecologic crisis is so complicated lies in the fact that it can’t be simply viewed as a technical, political or social issue, but a very outstanding matter of civilization. It is the product of the industrial civilization. To be precise, it is the product of Benthamism and Liberalism belief crisis. People are supposed to reconstruct the civilization in order to step into a new stage called the stage of ecological civilization. It’s inevitable to involve the belief reconstruction during the process of civilization construction. Therefore, the thesis looks for the belief resources and cultural foundation during the process of ecological civilization construction from Yidao faith which is present in "the Book of Changes".This thesis proceeds as follows. First part reports and introduces the concept, characteristics and types of belief and Yidao belief. Second part shows that Yidao belief has initially formed in "the Book of Changes". Based on the study of the text composition, ontology, epistemology and axiology of Yidao faith, third part mainly discusses the main contents and ecological ideas of Yidao faith in "the Book of Changes". The last part discusses the origin of ecology followed by the enlightenment of Yidao faith on ecological civilization construction.It is quite common to get some inspiration of belief construction and ecological civilization construction from classical documents. The contribution of this thesis is that the author put forward the concept of Yidao faith on the basis of the study of the concept, characteristics, ontology, epistemology and axiology of Yidao faith, and then reveals the enlightenment of Yidao faith on ecological civilization construction. Yidao faith appears not only in "the Book of Changes", but also in the iatrology, astronomy, music and others in ancient China. It is a pity that thesis only takes "the Book of Changes" as the research object. Further investigations are needed. However, the enlightenment of Yidao faith on ecological civilization construction should not be overestimated because Yidao faith is the product of agriculture civilization. People have to work out their own way to build an ecologically civilized society with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Book of Changes, Yidao faith, ecologic crisis, continuousreproduction breed in an endless succession, axiology
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