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Ecological Security Assessment On The Southern Mountain Of Jinan City

Posted on:2015-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330425496299Subject:Cartography and Geographic Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of technology, man’s ability to transform the nature has beenstrengthened. Meanwhile, because the eco-environment is being damaged, humans livingcondition is worsening, and people have to face the results of financial lost. Therefore,ecological security has become an issue that can not be ignored, and the ecological securityresearch has become a hot topic. The problem of land use is analyzed in this paper bystudying the changes of the land use in southern mountain of Jinan city combining with theactual situation in this region. Based on PSR model, and the scientific principles, this paperconstructs ecological security evaluation index system, by using the linear dimensionlessmethod to index standardize every index, the entropy weight method to determine the weightcoefficient of each index, and the geometric average method to calculate the ecologicalsecurity index of each town. The ecological security of the southern mountain of Jinan cityand10towns attaching to it in2010is eevaluated. It is revealed the spatial distribution law ofecological security in the southern mountain of Jinan city. The results showed that:Five degrees are divided according to the resources and environment pressure index often towns in the southern mountain of Jinan city: bigger, big, general, small, and smaller. Theresults showed that the pressure index of Shiliulihe and Guyunhu town are0.4301and0.4496.They belong to the bigger degree. The pressure index of Wande town of pressure index was0.5465. It belongs to the big degree. The pressure index of Dangjia town, Zhonggong town,Liutan town, Zhang Xia town and Wufengshan office are0.6192,0.5610,0.6422,0.5701and0.5722.They belong to the general degree. The pressure index of Jinxiuchuan town is0.6863.It belongs to the small degree. The pressure index of Gaoer town is0.767. It belongs to theclass of smaller.(2) Five degrees are divided according to the resources and environment conditionindex of ten towns in the southern mountain of Jinan city: poor, general, better, well, perfect.The results show that: The condition index of Wufengshan and Zhangxia towns are0.3379and0.3382. They belong to the poor degree. The condition index of Wande town is0.3622. It belongs to the general degree. The condition index of Jinxiuchuan, Liubu and Gaoer townsare0.4380,0.4133and0.4042. They belong to better degree. The condition index ofDangjiazhuang, Guyunhu and Zhonggong towns are0.4715,0.4981and0.4953. They belongsto the class of well. The condition index of Shiliulihe town is0.7219. It belongs to the class ofperfect.(3) Four degrees are divided according to the human and environment response indexof ten towns in the southern mountain of Jinan city: non-significant, more significant,significant, and very significant. The results show that: The response index of Guyunhu,Wufengshan Zhangxia and Wande towns are0.0151,0.0241,0.0117and0.0623. They belongto the non-significant degree. The response index of Dangjiazhuang and Shiliulihe towns are0.5656and0.5771. It belongs to the more significant degree. The response index ofJinxiuchuan, Liubu and Gaoer towns are0.7760,0.7904and0.7749. They belong to thesignificant degree. The condition index of Zhonggong town is0.8692. It belongs to the verysignificant degree.(4)The regional difference of ecological security level is obvious on the southernmountain of Jinan city. The ecological security status of all towns are divided into4degrees:safe, safer, critical safety, unsafe. The results show that: The ecological security compositeindex of Guyunhu, Wufengshan and Zhangxia towns are0.1501,0.1669and0.1313. Theybelong to the unsafe degree. The ecological security composite index of Wande town is0.2310. It belongs to the critical safety degree. The ecological security composite index ofDangjiazhuang, Shiliulihe and Liubu towns are0.5486,0.5638and0.5942. They belong tothe class of safer. The ecological security composite index of Zhonggong Gaoer andJinxiuchuan towns are0.6228,0.6217and0.6156. They belong to the safe degree. Theaverage of ecological security composite index of the southern mountain of Jinan city is0.4246. It belongs to the safer degree. The land ecological system has been damaged, but theservice function and structure is good, and after the disturbance, it has the strong ability torepair itself. Among them, the largest ecological security composite index is Zhonggong town.It is0.6288. Its ecological security level is better than that in other towns. The smallestecological security composite index is Zhangxia town. It is0.1313. Its ecological securitydegree is worse than that in other towns. Finally, according to the actual situation of the southern mountain of Jinan city and therelated laws and regulations from government authorities, I the countermeasure of ecologicalsafety is put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:the southern mountain of Jinan, Land Use, PSR model, Ecological Security
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