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Estimation And Spatial Distribution Of The Potential Load Of Livestock And Poultry Feces In Meijiang Watershed

Posted on:2014-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Z YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330401988021Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since China’s reform and opening up, especially in recent twenty years, with therapid development of our country’s economy and society, people’s living standardscontinue improving. Livestock and poultry breeding industry have got fastdevelopment. The farming scale expanding year by year. Every year the amount ofanimal manure also in unceasing increase. In the process of returning, transportationand using, nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus included in the livestock andpoultry manure will continue to loss. Under the scour of the rain, the manure runoffand infiltration into the water then make an affect on water environment. China is thelargest country in the scale of livestock and poultry breeding in the world, breedingnumber account for more than50%of the world. In our country, the situation ofpoultry and animal feces pollution is particularly serious. In China and other countriesin the world, livestock and poultry dung has exceeded industrial emissions becomemany area water environment pollution the biggest sources of pollution. With theemissions of industrial production and people life pollution continues, point sourcepollution has been effectively controlled. The agricultural non-point source pollutionincreasingly prominent from agriculture in the process of production, especially thelivestock and poultry manure pollution. In the1970s, some western developedcountries began to research work of poultry and animal feces pollution. In the lateeighty s, our country also had Carry out a study on the livestock and poultry manurepollution in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities, and the study has obtained certainresults.In terms of area, at present, most domestic poultry and animal feces pollutionabout the study is based on administrative cell to divide, because the existing oflivestock and poultry breeding data statistics is based on administrative region.Animal manure loss will eventually enter the impact on water environment, water andwater body are based on the watershed for the border dividing, and poultry and animalfeces pollution of basin research are rare. In this paper, Meijiang watershed as studyarea, Survey manure emissions pollution problems for farming four main locallivestock and poultry: San-huang chicken, pigs, cattle and sheep. In the field surveyprocess, San-huang chicken mainly based on scale feeding and the distribution offarms mostly in the low hills away from the settlements,far away from water sourcesand usually in the range of200meters to the road. Extract relevant area as theSan-huang chicken feces emission area of Meijiang watershed. Respectively estimatethe annual feces emissions and nutrient content of San-huang chicken, pigs, cattle andsheep. Then extract the Pig manure equivalent and Pig manure equivalent load ofevery sub watershed.The results turn out: in2009, four emissions of livestock and poultry pigMeijiang watershed equivalent amount of1.1x10~6t, the town of Meijiang took upthe largest amount,1.3x10~5t, accounting for12.2%of the total watershed. The sizes of contribution to the pig manure equivalent in order are San-huang chicken, pig,cattle and sheep among four livestock and poultry. The average pig manure equivalentload is4.00t/hm~2, and the largest pig manure equivalent town is Tiantou, whichreaches11.9t/hm~2, it is2.8times of the average pig manure equivalent load. Theminimum load is less than1/3of average load, located in Xiaotian town. The largestpig manure equivalent sub watershed of Meijiang watershed is located in Meijiangmain stream within Meijiang town and middle and lower reaches of Qingtang River.There are lower pig manure equivalent and pig manure equivalent load in theupstream of Meijiang and Xiaotian river watershed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meijiang watershed, Livestock and poultry feces, Feces load
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