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Theshape Of The Eco-man In View Of Ecological Civilization Horizon

Posted on:2013-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330401951372Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecological crisis’s highlighting, reflects dangerous relations between man andnature, also reflects that the way of human existence crisis. The ecological crisis isthe inevitable result of industrial civilization, because that the "economic man" is it’sbehavior pattern. Industrial civilization is not sustainable and the era is calling for anew form of civilization to replace the industrial civilization. The rise of ecologicalcivilization, is the reflection and awakening of traditional industrial civilization andhuman of existing way, and is the inevitable result of social development trend.Accordingly, the prescriptive Ecological civilization gives to the relationship betweenman and nature is to restrain humanity, actually is to restrain the desire of humannature or the greed of humanity. We should combine rational needs of human and theinherent regularity of the development of nature, and make the interaction betweenhuman and nature accord with a unity of law and aim, then, the development ofhuman beings can be healthy and sustainable. At the same time, actually, ecologicalcivilization is comply with humanity, only human beings and the nature reachco-existence and co-prosperity can human beings’ reasonable needs be sustained meet.Then there will be reliable foundation and sufficient necessary external conditions forthe development of humanity. So that human being themselves can realize asustainable and ecological development.The future of ecological civilization times is required to reshape on people,transformating from the "economic man" to "ecological man", and achieving persons’ecological development. However, the Eco-man should also play influential role asthe main body and the goal of ecological civilization construction. Only become"ecological person", and when the environmental protection changes into one kind ofvoluntary action, can we truly realize harmonious relationship between human andnature, and to build ecological civilization. Hypothesis of human nature of Eco-manhas rich connotation, consisting of the ecological awareness, ecological conscience,ecological rationality and ecological personality. It’s concept of the characteristics ofecological equality, fear of life, the overall thinking and environmental justice, and itsbehavior characteristics including respect nature, protect the environment, harmoniousco-existence with others, moderate consumption and poetic habitation.The shape of the "Ecol-man " is an inevitable requirement for sustainable socialdevelopment.The development of ecological civilization also requires the shapingand forming of the Eco-man. Because of human’s own interests, the shape of theEco-man is destined to be difficult process of human nature changing.If the humanitywill not from the production method, way of life and value idea for a thorough transformation, generation of the Eco-man can only is a beautiful expectations andwon’t be a fact. Said from this aspect, the process of shaping Eco-man is also theprocess which production method, the life style, the value idea of mankind transform.Finally, the article has discussed the mold realistic way of shaping the Eco-man,sushas the environmental education, the citizen environment participation mechanism,ecologically-conscious culture atmosphere and legislation of environment protecting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological crisis, Ecological civilization, Eco-man, shape
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